Main Approaches

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  • Biological Approach

    • Behavior, cognitions and emotions can be explained in terms of the working of the brain and the effect of hormones, genetics and evolution
    • Similarities and differences between people can be understood in terms of biological factors and their interaction with other factors
  • Cognitive Approach

    • Information is processed through the same route in all humans: input - process - output, in a similar way to how information is processed by a computer
    • People have individual differences in their cognitive processing such as with attention, language, thinking, and memory. These processes can also help to explain behaviour and emotion
  • Learning Approach

    • We all begin life as a blank slate. experiences and interactions with the environment shape our behavior and these changes are directly observable
    • We learn through the processes of operant conditioning, classical conditioning and social learning. This can be understood using the stimulus-response model
  • Social Approach

    • Behavior, cognitions and emotions are influenced by social contexts, social environments and groups.
    • Behavior, cognitions and emotions are influenced by the actual, implied or imagined presence of others.