Nursing interventions in RDS
1. Assess pre-term infant for respiratory and general status: oxygen saturation, cyanosis, ABG, axillary temperature, respiratory pattern
2. Maintain airway and administer oxygen at 4-6 lit/min
3. Provide ventilatory support if needed
4. Perform gentle chest percussion, vibration and postural drainage based on assessed need and infant tolerance
5. Monitor for signs of hyperthermia and hypothermia
6. Place the infant in radiant warmer, incubator and use environmental control to decrease heat loss
7. Position the infant to facilitate open airway on the side with head supported
8. Quick gentle suctioning as needed
9. Maintain neutral thermal environment to decrease metabolic requirement and conserve oxygen utilization
10. Maintain parenteral nutrition, avoid oral feeding or through tube if child is in distress
11. Maintain optimal nutrition pattern, start NG feeding once baby is breathing without distress
12. Involve parent in the care of children and allow frequent visit to encourage and promote infant – parent bonding
13. Provide skin care with frequent position change, mouth care, psychological support and adequate information about child's condition