Jekyll & Hyde

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  • The story opens with
    Utterson and Enfield on a walk one Sunday night
  • Enfield
    • Sees a door and relates when he saw a strange man named Hyde trample a little girl
    • Grabbed the man and with a few others blackmailed him
    • The man took them to the door where he went inside and retrieved the blackmail money
  • Utterson
    As a lawyer has the will to Dr. Jekyll who is oddly left everything to Mr. Hyde
  • Utterson
    • Visits Jekyll's friend and science partner Dr. Lanyon who reveals that he and Jekyll are no longer talking due to a scientific disagreement
    • Sets out to find Hyde, waits by the door and eventually introduces himself
    • Hyde is repulsive and gives Utterson a nasty and hostile greeting
  • Utterson asks Jekyll about Hyde
    1. Jekyll tells Utterson not to bring him up anymore
    2. Makes Utterson promise to give Hyde his rights if Jekyll disappears
  • One year later

    • Hyde beats a respected gentleman to death
    • Police find a letter on the body addressed to Utterson and contact him
  • Utterson visits Jekyll

    1. Jekyll assures Utterson he is not hiding Hyde
    2. Jekyll hands Utterson a letter from Hyde claiming he has fled
  • Utterson asks his friend who is a clerk an expert in handwriting to compare the letter to one of Jekyll's
    Reveals Jekyll forged the letter
  • Two months pass

    • Jekyll seems to have returned to normal but then suddenly he shuts Utterson out
  • Utterson visits Lanyon again
    • Lanyon is deathly ill as if from a great shock but won't say what happened
  • Lanyon dies
    Utterson and Enfield go for a walk and speak with Jekyll through his window, suddenly Jekyll looks frightened and slams the window shut
  • Poole visits Utterson
    1. Says something is wrong with his master Jekyll
    2. They go back to Jekyll's house and Utterson and Poole break down his door
  • They find
    • Mr. Hyde dying after drinking poison
  • Envelope addressed to Utterson
    Contains 3 enclosures:
    1. Revised will leaving everything to Utterson
    2. Note to read Lanyon's letter
    3. Jekyll's confession
  • Jekyll's explanation reveals he discovered a way to split the two sides of humans - good and evil - using a potion, thus creating Mr. Hyde. Eventually he couldn't control Hyde anymore and that's why he kills both of them through suicide.