Cards (58)

  • Electromagnetic Signals
    Impulses that the neurons produce to send message from one neuron to another
  • Mindset
    A group of beliefs formed by personal ideas about the realities of the world
  • Dumb
    A word usually used to label people who are somewhat slow to learn or adapt to the environment
  • Dump
    An act of trashing out unnecessary things or ideas
  • Human Intelligence is static, it does not change the moment you are born
  • Brain's growth has nothing to do with intelligence's growth
  • Growth Mindset believes in the idea that Human Intelligence can improve
  • Daily Physical Exercise helps in improving one's intelligence
  • Planning to improve one's intelligence depends on the person's willingness to engage in such activity
  • Giftedness
    • Things that you usually enjoy doing or that you think you are good at
  • Giftedness
    • Discerning sounds
    • Feeling personal connection with living things
    • Reflecting on personal experiences
    • Estimating physical environment
  • Traditionally, we view intelligence as a crown worn only by those students excelling in mathematics and science, or those who are fluent speakers of the English language
  • There are students who might not be excelling in these subjects but are excellent leaders, creative artists, effective listener, and top survivor during camping activities in schools
  • The focus of this module is for you to further appreciate that your intelligence (in various forms) can still be grown
  • Intelligence is not a physical aspect of the mind, rather it is part of mind's functions which is not necessarily dependent upon the size of the Human Brain
  • The more that we learn, the more that we can maximize the human brain's capacity to understand
  • Scientists have been studying about animal's brain and they found that animals that lived in an environment that is stimulating, having other animals around and toys to play with, had more connections between the nerve cells in their brains – and that their brains were bigger, stronger, and heavier than those animals that lived in isolation
  • The animals that lived with others were "smarter" observed from their way of solving and learning new things
  • Scientists are thinking that maybe, the same process applies to human beings. And that Human intelligence is malleable, it can be shaped accordingly, if only it is exposed to appropriate environment and enough stimulation
  • Fixed Mindset
    Believes that intelligence is static and cannot be changed
  • Growth Mindset
    Believes that intelligence can be developed through effort, good strategies, and help from others
  • By embracing the Growth Mindset and believing that intelligence can be grown, we can now conclude that your intelligence can be developed as well
  • Though we vary in terms of our innate abilities (because genetic factors may also play) but genes alone do not determine our chance to develop our brain. The nurture aspect or the factors that surround the person's learning experience also plays a significant role
  • There are also individuals that belong to the extreme ends of the normal curve who can be considered geniuses or those who can be considered with Intellectual disorders, but this does not limit their growth potential in their own level of capacities
  • As a student who belong in the regular class, there is always a chance for you to better your intelligence
  • You must stop using others' level of intelligence to yours but start building up what you can grow in terms of your own intelligence
  • Besides, intelligence has different faces (considering multiple intelligences). There are things that you are good at that others are not, and there are things that you need to improve that others excel
  • Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and start to plan out how to make yourself better every day
  • The factors that surround the person's learning experience also plays a significant role
  • Intelligence has different faces (considering multiple intelligences)
  • There are things that you are good at that others are not, and there are things that you need to improve that others excel
  • Strengths and weaknesses
    Be aware of them and start to plan out how to make yourself better every day
  • The basic concept about brain development is that it grows when it is stimulated by the environment
  • Stimulation happens when our senses are activated, and we become aware of the things happening around us
  • By processing the information from our world, we question things and we acquire answers to questions
  • When questions are answered, this brings us to further questioning and further chance to improve our learning
  • From the concept of Growth Mindset, it suggests that learning does not stop, and it is a lifetime process, hence, we have a lifetime to improve ours
  • Ways to Train the Brain and Get Smarter
    1. Read Books, and Read a Lot
    2. Use Filtered News Services
    3. Hang Out with Smart people
    4. Aim to do something new everyday
    5. Play Board games
    6. Make a list of the things you have done
    7. Learn a New Language
    8. Explain What you Know to Others
    9. Practice Mindfulness
    10. Write Your Notes by Hand
    11. Have a Regular Workout
    12. Allow Yourself to Daydream
    13. Socialize
    14. Draw, Paint, or Color
    15. Travel as Often as You can
  • Reading and literacy can be linked to intelligence. It can enhance your vocabulary and intellectual functioning. It stimulates your brain and keeps it healthy, essential to improving your memory. It can also be associated to having better interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
  • Getting updated and overloading news do not mean higher intelligence, what is emphasized here are filtered news – those that are credible and trustworthy. It will give you better perspective on current events and topics in your field of interest. Do not waste time in irrelevant information, make sure to pend time learning from materials which will benefit you in the long run