A sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem, i.e., for obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in a finite amount of time
Correctness of an algorithm
Partial correctness (if an answer is returned it will be correct)
Total correctness (algorithm terminates)
Characteristics of algorithms
Algorithms must have a unique name
Algorithms should have explicitly defined set of inputs and outputs
Algorithms are well-ordered with unambiguous operations
Algorithms halt in a finite amount of time
A high-level description of an algorithm without the ambiguity associated with plain text but also without the need to know the syntax of a particular programming language
Difference between algorithm and pseudocode
An algorithm is a formal definition with specific characteristics that describes a process executable by a Turing-complete computer, while pseudocode is an informal and rudimentary human readable description of an algorithm
Reasons to study algorithms
Theoretical importance (the core of computer science)
Practical importance (a practitioner's toolkit of known algorithms, framework for designing and analyzing algorithms for new problems)
Historical perspective (Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, Euclid's algorithm, Sieve of Eratosthenes)
Rearrange the items of a given list in ascending order
Sorting Algorithms
Selection sort
Bubble sort
Insertion sort
Merge sort
Heap sort
A sorting algorithm is called stable if it preserves the relative order of any two equal elements in its input
In place
A sorting algorithm is in place if it does not require extra memory, except, possibly for a few memory units
Find a given value, called a search key, in a given set
Searching Algorithms
Sequential search
Binary search
String Processing
Searching for a given word/pattern in a text
A collection of points called vertices, some of which are connected by line segments called edges
Fundamental Data Structures
Priority queue/heap
Tree and binary tree
Set and dictionary
A sequence of n items of the same data type that are stored contiguously in computer memory and made accessible by specifying a value of the array's index
Linked List
A sequence of zero or more nodes each containing two kinds of information: some data and one or more links called pointers to other nodes of the linked list
A data structure for maintaining a set of elements, with insertion/deletion only at the top (LIFO/FILO)
A data structure for maintaining a set of elements, with insertion at the rear and deletion from the front (FIFO/LILO)
Priority Queue
A data structure for maintaining a set of elements, each associated with a key/priority, with operations to find, delete, and insert the element with the highest priority
Formal definition: A graph G = <V, E> is defined by a pair of two sets: a finite set V of items called vertices and a set E of vertex pairs called edges
Graph Representation
Adjacency matrix, Adjacency linked lists
Weighted Graph
Graphs or digraphs with numbers assigned to the edges
A sequence of adjacent (connected by an edge) vertices that starts with u and ends with v
Connected Graph
A graph is said to be connected if for every pair of its vertices u and v there is a path from u to v
A simple path of a positive length that starts and ends at the same vertex
Acyclic Graph
A graph without cycles
A connected acyclic graph
Rooted Tree
A tree with a designated root vertex
For any vertex v in a tree T, all the vertices on the simple path from the root to that vertex are called ancestors
All the vertices for which a vertex v is an ancestor are said to be descendants of v
Parent, Child, Siblings
If (u, v) is the last edge of the simple path from the root to vertex v, u is said to be the parent of v and v is called a child of u. Vertices that have the same parent are called siblings.
A vertex without children is called a leaf
A vertex v with all its descendants is called the subtree of T rooted at v
Depth of a Vertex
The length of the simple path from the root to the vertex
Height of a Tree
The length of the longest simple path from the root to a leaf
Ordered Tree
A rooted tree in which all the children of each vertex are ordered
Binary Tree
An ordered tree in which every vertex has no more than two children and each child is designated as either a left child or a right child of its parent
Binary Search Tree
A binary tree in which each vertex is assigned a number, and the number assigned to each parental vertex is larger than all the numbers in its left subtree and smaller than all the numbers in its right subtree
A process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly