Subdecks (5)

Cards (224)

  • graphic organizers
    -visual aids that depict the correlation between, ideas, facts, and concepts
    -illustrations that give visual representation
    -depict relationship, diffeentiate, tells a story, and draw conclusion
  • concept mapping
    -visual representation of relattionship between ideas
    -box or circle where each idea is linked by words or phrases
    -helps a student see how a story is narrowed into specific topics
  • webbing
    -students see their ideas linked to supporting details
    -they'll realize that the varied group of information are tied together
    -has organization and structure
    -help arrange ideas according to relevance and importance
  • brainstorming process
    -perfect for launching a writing project
    -provides guidance where to proceed during research
  • mind-mapping
    -visual representation of hierarichal of information
    -starts in the middle and branch out
    -students can replace their traditional note-taking with this
  • purpose of graphic organizers
    -visualize the general concept and break it into specific ideas
    -analyze the correlation between ideas or themes
    -structure their writing projects better and make the process easier
    -communicate their ideas
    -visually represent their thinking process
    -explore all possible options by brainstorming
    -determine validity, relevance, and correlation of evidence
    -ehance understanding when reading and writing
    -easily identify the elements of a composition
    -evaluate cause and effect
    -compare and contrast ideas
    -implement problem solving skills
    -enhance organizational skills
    -expand their vocabulary
    -recognize sequence, hierarchies, and patterns
  • venn diagram
    -list similarities and differences and what's common between them
    -extensively used for everyday documentation
    -two or more components are compared to each other
    -also known as compare and contrast organizers
  • grid matrix
    represent facts or compare several things together
  • classification diagrams

    helps you break down concepts into sub-levels
  • sequence diagram
    -depict a series of events in a simpler manner
    -follows a chronological order
    -used to draw historic events or explain a task
    -divided as chains, ladder, cycle
  • spider maps
    -look similar to a spider web
    -major concept listed right at the center and numerous branches
    -resembles a mind map and focuses on a single entity and its classifications
  • storyboard
    -focuses on the process and represent information in a form of a story
    -has a beginning, middle, and end
    -comes to a storyboard(the sky has no limit)
    -cconcers the WH-questions(why, where, when, what, who)
  • KWL Charts
    -know, what we already know, learned
    -we discuss what we already know, objected is listed which leads to problem discussion, and conclusion on what happened
  • Pros of graphic organizer
    -can draw relationship between two or more components in a simpler manner
    -we can organize data instead of leaving it cluttered with the help of grids and charts
    -these graphic organizers are self-explanatory and saves a lot of time when presenting
  • Cons of graphic organizers
    -lack of standards for graphic organizers and visual drawn materials might not be understood by someone else
    -crucial information may be left or wrongly represented
    -may be unorganized and need to be refined
  • fishbone diagram
    divided into sets and causes