At the end of the topic the learners will be able to: enter text and data into spreadsheet; and perform basic mathematical operations in a spreadsheet.
References are provided for Introduction to Internet, Internet Technologies, and Reading the Internet
An electronic spreadsheet used to manipulate numerical data with formulas and built-in functions
Excel is a spreadsheet application software from Microsoft
Some spreadsheet programs are also available free of charge, such as Google application suite and WPS Office (for smart phone users)
Richard Mattessich's paper on Budgeting Models and System Simulation started the concept of an electronic spreadsheet
Rene K. Pardo and Remy Landau filed the patents for an algorithm based spreadsheet software called LANPAR
LANguage for Programming Arrays at Random
Dubbed as the Father of the Electronic Spreadsheet
Getting Familiar with Excel
Start screen
Excel Interface elements
Backstage view
Workbooks and worksheets
Moving around in a worksheet
Data in Excel
Excel Formulas
Starting Excel
1. Click on the Excel icon on your desktop
2. Click on the Start button, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, and click on Excel
Common across all applications in Microsoft Office for consistent look and feel
Formula Bar
Displays the formula in the active cell
Backstage view
Appears if you click the File tab
Only one tab is active at any time, and the active tab is highlighted
Mouse Pointers Used in Excel
Not provided
Made up of worksheets and chart sheets
Has 16,384 columns and 1,048,576 rows
Cell reference
The letter for the column and the number of the row holding the cell, e.g. B5
Excel Data Types
Text or label
Formatting Cells A1 to F4
Not provided
Merge Cells A1 to F4
Click the Merge and Center button
Wrap Text & Alignment
1. Click the Wrap Text button
2. Click the Center button
3. Click the Middle Align button
Setting Font and Fill Color
1. Click on the Font Selection button and select Arial font
2. Set font size to 24
3. Select Bold as the font style
4. Select a background color
Change the worksheet Name
1. Right click on Sheet1 tab and select Rename
2. Enter a new name
Saving your Worksheet
1. Click on the File tab and select Save As
2. Select the Excel Workbook option
3. Enter an appropriate name for your workbook
Printing a Worksheet
1. Click the Office Button and select the Print command
2. Select the print settings through the Print dialog box
3. Use the Print Preview option to preview your sheet before printing
Excel 2013 File Formats
Default format is .xlsx
Saving in .xls (Excel 2003) format is advised when sharing
Excel templates have .xltx format
Workbooks with macros are saved with .xlsm extension
Writing Formulas
1. Point calculation for a course: =C9*D9
2. Formula for Total Credit Hours in cell C15: =SUM(C9,C10,C11,C12,C13)
3. Formula for GPA in cell E15: =(E9+E10+E11+E12+E13)/C15
Arithmetic Operators
Parentheses ( )
Exponentiation ^
Multiplication *
Division /
Addition +
Subtraction -
Common Excel Functions
Returns the median of the given numbers. The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers.
Counts the number of cells that contain numbers and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Use COUNT to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.
Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria. Range is one or more cells to count, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Blank and text values are ignored.
Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria.
Adds the cells specified by a given criteria. Criteria is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, or text that defines which cells will be added. Sum_range are the actual cells to add if their corresponding cells in range match criteria.
The columns are labeled A through Z; the rows are numbered in order.
The block at which a row and column intersect is called a cell and its address is defined by the letter of the column and the number of the row.
On the spreadsheet, cell A1 is outlined, or selected. This is the cell in which numeric data and or text can be entered.
Across the top of the spreadsheet is a menu bar which will be utilized when necessary.