2.1. First Voyage by Magellan, by Antonio Pigafetta

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  • Antonio Pigafetta
    An Italian nobleman who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in his fateful circumnavigation of the world
  • Pigafetta's Travelogue
    One of the most important primary sources in the study of precolonial Philippines
  • The First Voyage Around the World by Magellan published after Pigafetta returned to Italy
  • Ladrones Island
    "Island of the Thieves", the people have no arms, but use sticks, which have a fish bone at the end
  • Ladrones Island
    • People there are poor, but ingenious, and great thieves
  • Ladrones Island are located south-southeast of Japan, west-southwest of Hawaii, north of New Guinea, and east of Philippines
  • Isle of Zamal
    They reached this island ten (10) days after they reached the Ladrones Islands, but Magellan decided to land in another uninhabited island for greater security
  • Magellan reached Ladrones Island
    March 6, 1521
  • Magellan reached Isle of Zamal
    March 16, 1521
  • Nine men came to Magellan's fleet and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them, welcomed them with food, drinks, and gifts
    March 18, 1521
  • Cochos
    Large as the head, its husk is green, and two fingers in thickness, it has certain threads with which it can make cords for fastening the boats
  • Pigafetta recounted that they saw two ballanghai (balangay), a long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazaua
    March 25, 1521
  • When the King of Mazzava offered to give Magellan a bar of gold and a chest of ginger, Magellan declined
  • Humunu Island
    "Watering Place of Good Signs", in this place Pigafetta found the first signs of gold in the island
  • Pigafetta characterized the people in Humunu Island as "very familiar and friendly"
  • They named Humunu Island with the nearby islands as the archipelago of St. Lazarus
  • March 25, 1521, Raja Siagu responded by giving Magellan the needed provisions of food in chinaware, then Magellan exchanged gifts of robes in Turkish fashion, red cap and gave the people knives and mirrorrs.
  • Pigafetta described Raja Calambu as the most handsome of all men he saw in the island
  • Raja Calambu
    King of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua), and the brother of Raia Siagu
  • Easter Sunday, happened to be the First Mass in the Philippines
    March 31, 1521
  • Magellan explained that the cross, the nail and the crown were the signs of his emperor and that he was ordered to plant it in the places that he would reach
  • On March 31, 1521, the highlight of the First Mass was the planting of cross in the place
  • Zzubu
    Cebu, the largest and the richest of the islands
  • Magellan and his men reached the port of Cebu
    April 7, 1521
  • Raja Humabon
    The king of Cebu