Creating an organizational structure and culture that motivates employees to perform well, give them necessary information to do their jobs, and provide working conditions which are safe and result to an enjoyable environment
The field of I/O Psychology created its first big impact during WWI when the army alpha (literate) and beta (illiterate) tests of mental ability were used to assign various units within the army
John Watson developed perceptual and motor tests for potential pilots while Henry Gant helped with increasing the efficiency with which cargo ships were built, repaired, and loaded
Passing of major pieces of civil rights legislation, focusing HR professionals on developing fair selection techniques. Sensitivity training and training groups were utilized.
Four major changes happened: use of sophisticated statistical techniques and analysis methods, new interest in the application of cognitive psychology to industry, interest in the effects of work on family or leisure, and a renewed interest in developing methods to select employees
Rapid advances in technology was the greatest influence, with the use of computers and the internet in terms of screening, recruitment, training, etc. The changing demographic in the workplace was also evident.
At minimum, contains an action (what is done) and an object (to which the action is done). May also contain the where, how, why, and when the tasks are done.