Greek Literature is the body of writing in the Greek Language.
The Greek honor gods and goddesses because it was believed that universe was created by them.
Greek Literature are famous for its epic and lyrics poetry as well as its drama, both tragedy and comedy.
Greek Mythology is a set of stories about the gods and goddesses, heroes, and rituals of Ancient Greek.
Ancient Greek Education
Athens - they learned basic things like reading, writing and math. Produce thinkers, people well-trained in arts and sciences, people prepared for peace or war
Sparta - Focuses on Military Training.
Plato the Greek Philosopher. His most famous work were “The Republic of Symposium”.
Herodotus is the Greek Geographer from the Greek City Halicarnassus. He is considered by many as the “Father of History”. He wrote “THE HISTORIES"
Euclid was a Father of Mathematician. Called as “The father of Geometry". Famous work is “The Elements”.
Sophocles was one of the Athen’s great tragic playwrights. He is best known of his 123 dramas is “Oedipus the King
Homer is the Greek Blind Poet. He was known for his two epic poems “Illiad” and “The Odyssey”.
Zeus is the Supreme God. God of Sky. God of Thunder.
Poseidon Brother of Zeus. God of Sea.
Hades God of Underworld.
Hera Queen of all gods and goddesses. Goddess of Marriage. Goddess of Birth.
Aphrodite Goddess of Love and Beauty.
Ares God of War.
Athena Goddess of Wisdom and War.
Artemis Goddess of chastity, hunt, moon, and the natural environment.
Apollo God of sun, shepherd, music, poetry, and archery.
Dionysus God of wine, wine-making, and grape cultivation.
Hermes God of trade, travelers, sports and athletes.
Hephaestus God of Fire and Blacksmith.
Demeter Goddess of harvest, grains, and fertility of the earth.
genre a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter
elements inherent constituent of all works of narrative fiction—a necessary feature any written or spoken narrative.
structures how the author organizes the information within the text.
Conventional Genre
Simile use to compare things using “like” or “as”
Metaphor use to compare thing directly without using “like” or “as”
Hyperbole used to exaggerate things
Irony implies a distance between what is said and what is meant
Personification compare an idea to a human like attributes
Synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa
Allusion a brief, intentional reference to a historical, mythic, or literary person, place, event, or movement.
Creative Non-Fiction a literary piece is creatively presented or narrated but still observes the element of non-fiction - truth.
Illustrated Novel The literary piece is presented with text and images.
Graphic Novel Narratives in comic book format.
Digi Fiction Fiction that is written for and read from a computer and can be web- or appbased (for tablets and smartphones) or accessed via CD-ROMs.