High activity in amygdala when responders reject offers
Benzodiazepine drug reduces arousal in nervous system, halved rejections, less aggression, less activity of amygdala
Serotonin at normal levels in OFC
More self-control
Paroxetine drug (serotonin booster) given
Less shocks
50% Mz
Physical aggression
19% Dz
Physical aggression
41% of genetics accounts for aggression
MAOA-L variant and low levels of MAOA enzyme
Abnormal serotonin, less self control
MAOA gene
Warrior gene
High levels of adult aggression
Those who experienced extreme trauma before 15- sexual/physical abuse
Innate mechanisms within us, fixed action pattern
Ritualistic aggression, appeasement rituals: Display their necks to surrentder - adaptive - hierarchy - survival
Attacked wooden models of all shapes if they had a red spot on its underbelly, didn't attack if no red spot even if it looked similar/shape, red spot = stimulus triggering IRM which triggers FAP, FAPs didn't change acorss encounters and always ran its course - ballistic
28 males family - aggression - hereditary/ genetic factors at play - innate?
Chimpanzee war
Appeasement rituals did not inhibit same-species violence, systematic slaughtering
More frequent in south over north - difference in culture of honour
White south males when provoked
More likely to become aggressive
Stimulus - innate releasing mechanism (built-in physiological process/structure, eg network of neurons in the brain) - fixed action pattern (specific sequence of behaviours)
Fixed action pattern
Can be more flexible - modal action pattern - length of action within the sequence varies in lenght between individuals
Sexual jealousy
Identify several functions/reasons for sexual jealousy, eg anti-cuckoldry methods, saving resources, adaptive behaviour - more reproductivelty successful
Male retention strategies
Direct guarding - male vigilance about partners whereabouts, Negative inducements - threats/consequences for infidelity
Women whose partners used male retention strategies
2x more likely to suffer physical violence at their hands, 73% need medical attention, 53% feared for their lives
Characteristics associated with bullying
Attractive to the opposite sex, male dominance and acquistion, ward off potential rivals
Bullying interventions
Reviewed from a perspectve that bullying is maladaptive and therefore can be unlearnt
Female with offspring
Less aggressive - decrease risk to survival of herself and her child, more verbal aggression
!Kung San
Look down on aggression/ discouraged, those who do use aggression: status and reputation within the community are diminished