Occurs during the first 3 months where the baby has nostrongpreference between people
What is the indiscriminate attachment phase?
Occurs between 6 weeks and 7 months where the infants begin to discriminate between people
What is the discriminate attachment phase?
Occurs during 7 and 11 months where the infant forms a strong attachment with an individual
What is the multiple attachment phase?
Occurs from around 9months onwards when the infant has multiple attachments that vary in strength
What did Schaffer and Emerson propose about the role of the father?
The primary attachment figure was the mother and the secondary was the father
What did Ross's study show about the role of the father?
There is a positive correlation between the amount of nappies changed by the father and the strength of the attachment
Who studied the critical period of infants?
What were the results of Harlow's monkey's study?
When scared the monkey's went to the cloth coveredsurrogate mother
What were the results of Lorenz geese study?
Both groups of geese imprinted on the first moving object they saw
When is the criticalperiod identified by Lorenz?
Around 2 years
Outline Bowlby'smonotropictheory
Infants have an innateneed to form onemain attachment figure
What is the internalworkingmodel?
Mental schemas for relationships that base futurerelationships
Outline the learningtheory of attachment
Infants form attachments based on conditioning
How does classicalconditioning explain attachment?
Infants form an association between the mother and food and this forms attachment
How does operantconditioning explain attachment?
Infants feel discomfort when hungry and use negative reinforcement via crying to ease this discomfort and forced the mother to feed them
What was the aim of Ainsworth’s strange situation study?
To test and identify attachments styles between infants
What did the results of Ainsworth’s study show?
70% showed a secure attachment style, 15% showed a insecure-resistant attachment style and 15% shows a insecure-avoidant attachment style
What is a secure attachment style?
Infant is distressed when separated from mother, they can’t be comforted by a stranger yet they are easilycomforted by caregiver
What is an insecure-avoidant attachment style?
Infants are notdistressed when separated from caregiver and can be comforted by both stranger and caregiver
What is an insecure-resistant attachment style?
Infants is distressed when separated but reject caregiver when reunited
Which country showed higher rates of infants with insecure-resistant attachment styles?
Which country showed higher rates of infants with insecure-avoidant attachment styles?
Who studied the strangesituations between cultures?
Van Ijzendoron
What were the results of Bowlby’s juvenile study?
17 thieves out of the 44 experienced prolongedseparateness from their mother before 5
How many of the pps in Bowlby’s juvenile study shows affectionlesspsychopathy?
What is Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory?
If children don’t form an attachment with a mother during the critical period they won’t be able to function properly
What was found in the Romanian adoption study?
Those adopted before 6 months caught up to they British counterparts but those adopted after 6 months showed disinhibitedattachment types and peer relationship problems