Cestodes: Definition of Terms

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  • Anaphylactic shock
    Serious allergic response in E. granulosus-infected persons, producing histamine and other mediators, potentially fatal
  • Cestoda
    Class of flat, ribbon-like tapeworms
  • Coracidium
    Ciliated larval stage of Diphyllobothrium latum, with hexacanth embryo hatching in fresh water
  • Cysticercoid larval stage
    – infective stage to both humans and rodents that may develop in animal transport hosts, such as fleas, beetles, rats, and house mice
  • Cysticercosis
    Infection from ingesting T. solium eggs in human feces
  • Cysticercus larva
    type of larva that consists of a scolex surrounded by a bladder-like, thin walled cyst that is filled with fluid
  • Daughter cyst
    Miniaturized cysts within the hydatid cyst
  • Embryophore
    Yellow-brown shell on tapeworm eggs surrounding an embryo
  • Gravid
    Pregnant female worms
  • Hermaphroditic
    Self-fertilizing tapeworm egg initiating a new life cycle
  • Hexacanth embryo
    First larval stage with six small hooklets
  • Hooklets
    Pairs of structures believed to pierce the host's intestinal wall
  • Hydatid cyst
    Fluid-filled structure in human tissue, containing several components
  • Hydatid sand
    Components in older E. granulosus cysts' fluid, including daughter cysts, scolices, hooklets, and other material
  • Oncosphere
    Migrates via blood to animal tissue, converting into infective cysticercus larva
  • Operculum
    Lid structure consuming one end of the egg
  • Platyhelminthes
    Phylum containing tapeworms and flukes
  • Pleurocercoid
    Precursor larval stage ingested when consuming contaminated freshwater fish
  • Procercoid
    Larval stage in D. latum development, occurring in the copepod
  • Proglottid
    Segments with male and female reproductive organs in mature form
  • Rostellum
    Fleshy extension of the scolex with hooks in some species
  • Scolex
    Anterior end of a tapeworm, capable of developing into an adult worm in the definitive host
  • Sparganosis
    Condition from ingesting procercoid larvae of D. latum and related species
  • Sparganum
    Infected subcutaneous tissue described as white, wrinkled, and ribbon-shaped
  • Strobila
    Series of proglottids, denoting the entire tapeworm body
  • Suckers
    Cup-shaped structures on the scolex for attachment to the host's intestinal mucosa
  • Tegument
    Outer surface absorbing nutrients and excreting waste in flatworms
  • Viscera
    Soft internal organs in major body cavities
  • Zoonosis
    Accidental parasitic disease infecting animals and humans
  • Zoonotic
    Parasitic disease infecting animals and potentially humans
  • Taenia saginata also known as beef tapeworm.
  • Taenia solium also known as pork tapeworm.
  • Intermediate host of Tania spp. are cattle or goats.
  • Infective stage of Taenia spp.: cysticerci in raw or uncooked beef
  • Taenia spp. • Cysticercus: consist of scolex surrounded by bladder-like cyst with fluid.
  • Eggs are indistinguishable; T. saginata and solium
  • T. saginata and solium; Hexacanth embryo with three pairs of hooklets
  • Embryophore; radial striations
  • State the common name of each following cestode.
    Taenia saginata; Beef Tapeworm
    Dipylidium caninum; Dog or Cat Tapeworm, Pumpkin Seed Tapeworm
    Taenia solium; Pork Tapeowrm
    Hymenolepsis nana; Dwarf tapeworm
    Hymenolepsis Dimunata; Rat tapeworm
    Echinococcus granulosus; Dog Tapeworm or Hydatid tapeworm
    Diphyllobothrium latum; Broad Fish Tapeworm or Russian Broad Tapeworm
  • T. solium
    has a fleshy rostellum and double crown of well defined hooks