Volatile storage is temporary. Volatile values (stored in variables) are lost when the computer loses its power. The Random Access Memory (RAM) is being used when a Java program stores a value in a variable.
Types of Storage Device:
Types of Storage Device:
Non-volatile storage is permanent. A Java program that is saved on a disk uses a non-volatile storage.
A computer file is a collection of data stored on a non-volatile device.
The common characteristics of a text file and binary file are size, name, and date and time of creation.
Permanent files are commonly stored in the main directory or the root directory.
To organize stored files, folders or directories are used.
USers may also create folders within folders. The complete list of the disk drive plus the hierarchy of directories in which the file is located is called path.
Example of a complete path: C:\Java\Chapter8\example.txt
In the windows operating system, the backlash (\) is the path delimiter - the special character used to separate path components.