A problem with twin studies is that most twins are reared in the same environment, so concordance rates may be due to shared learning experiences rather than genetics
Suggests offending behaviour arises from the combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors (e.g. dysfunctional upbringing, criminal role models)
Found low activity version of MAOA gene alone was not a significant predictor of aggression, but low MAOA gene plus maltreatment had a significant effect
Part of the limbic system that processes emotional information, implicated in offending behaviour as it is involved in the stress response and aggressive impulses
Raine et al. (2000) found reduced brain activity in areas like the prefrontal cortex and abnormalities in the limbic system in offenders compared to controls
Even though it is a psychological theory of personality, Eysenck believed that each trait has a biological basis which is mainly innate and comes about through the type of nervous system we inherit