Cards (22)

  • What is gluconeogenesis?
    glucose synthesis from non-carbohydrate precursors, eg:
    • lactate (glycolysis)
    • amino acids
    • glycerol (fat metabolism - NOT fatty acids)
    occurs in liver and kidney
    maintains blood sugar when glucose isn't available to preserve glucose-dependent cerebral function and red cell metabolism
  • What are the requirements for gluconeogenesis?
    • a source of carbon -> provided by lactate, amino acids, glycerol
    • a source of energy -> provided by fatty acid metabolism (lipolysis)
  • The urea cycle
    increased gluconeogenesis always coupled with increased urea synthesis
    amino acids -> transaminated -> lose ammonia (toxic to cells, need to be eliminated)
    ammonia -> liver -> urea -> bloodstream -> kidneys -> excreted
    reaction produces fumarate which can be converted to oxaloacetate (substrate for gluconeogenesis)
  • What enzyme catalyses the conversion fructose 1,6 bisphophate to fructose 6 phosphate in gluconeogenesis?
    Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
  • Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are opposing processess, so need to be recpirocally regulated.
  • What are the 3 energetic allosteric regulators of glycolysis?
    ATP, AMP, H+
  • How is glycolysis regulated by ATP?
    sign of high energy levels
  • How is glycolysis regulated by AMP?
    sign of low energy levels (ATP depletion)
  • How is PFK-1 regulated by H+ ions?
    H+ increased during anoxia bc of lactic acid production
    inhibits glycolysis to prevent cellular pH falling too low
  • In which tissue can PFK-1 regulation by H+ ions be overcome and by what substance?
    high AMP (activates glycolysis)
    results in cardiomyocyte dmg, chest pain
  • What are the 3 nutrient allosteric regulators of PFK-1?
    • Fru 6 P
    • Fru 2,6 BP
    • citrate
  • How does Fru 6 P regulate PFK-1 allosterically?
    sign of high rates of glucose entry / glycogen breakdown
    stimulates glycolysis to allow utilisation
  • How does Fru 2,6 BP regulate PFK-1 allosterically?
    most potent allosteric activator known
    sign of high rates of glucose entry / glycogen breakdown
    stimulates glycolysis
  • How does citrate regulate PFK-1 allosterically?
    signals TCA cycle overload (more acetyl CoA than can be oxidised)
    or fatty acid oxidation overload
    signals need to conserve glucose so inhibits glycolysis
  • How is F 2,6 BP produced and what is its purpose?
    F 6 P -> PFK-2 -> F 2,6 BP
    most potent activator known
    massively activates PFK-1 to drive glycolysis
    potent inhiitor of F 1,6 BPase
  • What is F 2,6 BP inactivated by and how?
    dephosphorylation by F 2,6 BPase
    back into F6P
  • How does phosphorylation affect PFK2 in the liver?
  • How does phopshorylation affect F 2,6 BPase in the liver?
  • How do PFK 1 and F 2,6 BP exist in the liver?
    single tandem enzyme with two active sites
  • How is fructose 2,6 bisphosphate in liver affected by hormones?
    glucagon -> cAMP -> activates cAMP protein kinases. they phosphorylate:
    • PFK2 (inactivated - less F 2,6 BP made)
    • F 2,6 BPase (activated - dephosphorylates F 2,6 BP)
    overall result: lower levels of F 2,6 BP; reduces PFK-1 activity; inhibits glycolysis
  • How is gluconeogenesis activated?
    increased fatty acid oxidation -> incareased acetyl CoA levels
    acetyl CoA:
    • activates pyruvate carboxylase
    • inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase
    so favour gluconeogenesis over glycolysis
  • How does hormonal regulation of gluconeogenesis work?
    short term stimulants: glucagon & adrenaline
    long term stimulants: glucagon, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones
    acute inhibitors: insulin, supression of lipolysis and gluconeogenic enzymes