Cards (46)

  • How is the venous drainage of the gut like?
    according to direction of blood:
    1. Hindgut: inferior mesenteric vein
    2. Midgut: Superior mesenteric vein
    3. Foregut: (A) Splenic vein to Hepatic portal vein or straight into (B) HPV
    Hepatic veins from liver drain directly into inferior vena cava
  • How is the blood supply to rectum and anal canal like?
    • inferior mesenteric artery -> (1) Superior rectal artery -> Rectum and anal canal superior to pectinate line
    • internal iliac artery -> (2) Middle rectal artery -> Anastomoses with superior and inferior rectal arteries
    • internal iliac artery -> internal pudendal artery -> (3) Inferior rectal artery -> Anal canal below pectinate line
  • How is the lymphatic drainage of GI tract like?
    • Foregut: Celiac nodes ( -> ) Intestinal trunk
    • Midgut: Superior mesenteric nodes ( -> ) Intestinal trunk
    • Hindgut: Inferior mesenteric nodes ( -> ) lumbar trunks
    • inferior rectum and anal canal above pectinate line: Common iliac nodes ( -> ) lumbar trunks
    • anal canal below pectinate line: Superficial inguinal nodes ( -> ) lumbar trunks
  • What is Cisterna chyli?
    Dilated lymphatic sac at the base of the thoracic duct.
    Drains lymph from the 3 lymphatic trunks in the GI tract:
    1. Right lumbar trunk
    2. Intestinal trunk
    3. Left lumbar trunk
    -> cisterna chyli -> thoracic duct
  • How is the sympathetic innervation of the GI system?
    Foregut: Greater (thoracic) splanchnic nerve
    Midgut: Lesser (thoracic) splanchnic nerve
    Kidneys: Least (thoracic) splanchnic nerve
    Hindgut: Lumbar splanchnic nerves
  • How is the Parasympathetic innervation of the GI system?
    Foregut and midgut: Vagus nerve (CNX)
    Hindgut: Pelvic splanchnic nerves
  • What are the characteristics of splanchnic nerves?
    sympathetic fibres that don't synapse
  • What are the 3 sympathetic ganglia of the abdomen?
    1. Celiac ganglion - greater splanchnic nerve - foregut
    2. Superior mesenteric ganglion - lesser splanchnic nerve - midgut
    3. Inferior mesenteric ganglion - lumbar splanchnic nerve - hindgut
  • What are the 3 parts of the prevertebral plexus?
    1. Coeliac plexus
    2. Aortic plexus
    3. Superior hypogastric plexus
  • Blood / Lymph / Nerves of Foregut?
    Arteries: Celiac trunk
    Veins: Splenic / portal
    Lymphatics: Celiac nodes
    Sympathetic nerves: Greater splanchnic
    Parasympathetic nerves: Vagus nerve
  • Blood / lymph / nerves of the midgut?
    Arteries: Superior mesenteric
    Veins: Superior mesenteric
    Lymph: Superior mesenteric nodes
    Sympathetic nerves: Lesser splanchnic nerves
    Parasympathetic nerves: Vagus nerve
  • Blood / lymph / nerves of the hindgut?
    Arteries: inferior mesenteric
    Veins: inferior mesenteric
    Lymph: Inferior mesenteric nodes
    Sympathetic nerves: lumbar splanchnic
    Parasympathetic nerves: pelvic splanchnic
  • Liver: Introduction
    2.5% Total body weight
    20% of O2 consumption
    Moves with diaphragm
    Protected by right ribs 711
    1. right hypochondrium
    2. epigastrium
    3. left hypochondrium
  • What are the lobes and surfaces of the liver?
    1. Right lobe (anatomical)
    2. Left lobe (anatomical)
    3. Caudate lobe (accessory - arising from right lobe)
    4. Quadrate lobe (accessory - arising from right lobe)
  • What are the segments of the liver?
    8 segments
    Each with its own branch of:
    • hepatic artery
    • portal vein
    • common hepatic duct (portal triad)
    • hepatic vein
  • What is a hepatic segmentectomy?
    resecting some segments of the liver
    it is possible as there is no overlap in blood supply to each segment, so can be resected if injured / affected by a tumour etc
  • What is the liver connected to the diaphragm by?
    coronary ligament
    superior surface
  • What divides the left and right lobes of the liver?
    Falciform ligament
    also connects liver to the anterior abdominal wall
    embryologically derived from ventral mesogastrium
  • What is the Porta hepatis?
    Liver hilum (entrance / exit of portal triad in transverse fissure)
    • Hepatic ducts join to form common hepatic duct
    • Hepatic portal vein entering liver
    • Hepatic arteries (from proper hepatic artery) entering liver
  • What are the different impressions of the liver?
    1. Gastric impression (by stomach)
    2. Oesophageal impression (by oesophagus)
    3. Duodenal impression (by duodenum)
    4. Colic impression (by colon - hepatic flexure)
    5. Renal impression (by kidneys)
    6. Suprarenal impression (by suprarenal glands)
  • What are the ligaments of the liver?
    1. Falciform ligament
    2. Coronary ligament
    3. Triangular ligament
  • What is the bare area of the liver?
    area of liver with no peritoneum
    encircled by coronary ligaments
    directly against the diaphragm
  • What are the boundaries of the Lesser Sac?
    Superior: Liver
    Inferior: Transverse mesocolon
    Posterior: Pancreas, aorta, celiac trunk (retroperitoneal organs)
    Anterior: Lesser omentum
  • What is the Epiploic foramen?
    opening in the hepatoduodenal ligament into lesser sac
    • Superior: liver
    • Inferior: 1st part of duodenum
    • Posterior: Inferior vena cava and right crus of diaphragm
    • Anterior: Portal triad (in free edge of lesser omentum)
  • What is the Portal Triad?
    run in free edge of lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal ligament)
    1. Common bile duct
    2. Proper hepatic artery
    3. Hepatic portal vein
    4. Lymphatic vessels
    5. Nerves from hepatic plexus
  • What is Pringle's manoeuvre?
    haemostat used to clamp hepatoduodenal ligament to stop blood flow through proper hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein
  • What are the recesses of the liver?
    Recess: potential space where peritoneal fluid or metastases can localise
    1. Subphrenic space: between liver and diaphragm
    2. Right Subhepatic space: between inferior surface of liver and kidney
    3. Hepatorenal recess / Pouch of Morrison: extension of subhepatic space between liver and kidney. Fluid often accumulates here when patient is supine.
  • How is the prenatal circulation through the liver?
    oxygenated blood → (1) umbilical veinliver. Can either:
    • go through (2) hepatic portal veinhepatic lobules in liver
    • or (3) ductus venosus → (4) inferior vena cava
  • What is the embryological remnant of the umbilical vein in postnatal circulation?
    Ligamentum teres
  • What is the embryological remnant of the ductus venosus in postnatal circulation?
    Ligamentum venosum
  • What are the remnants of the umbilical vein in the adult liver?
    Ligamentum teres (fissure for round ligament)
    extending from Falciform ligament
  • What is the remnant of ductus venosus in the adult liver?
    Ligamentum venosum
  • What was the function of ductus venosus?
    shunt umbilical blood directly into IVC
  • What was the function of umbilical vein?
    carry oxygenated blood from placenta
    Small paraumbilical veins may remain in substance of ligament
  • What is the dual blood supply of liver?
    1. Celiac trunkCommon hepatic arteryProper hepatic artery → Left & right hepatic arteries (oxygen rich, 25%)
    2. Hepatic portal vein (nutrient rich, 75%), coming from:
    3. superior mesenteric artery
    4. inferior mesenteric artery
    5. splenic vein
  • What happens at the hepatic sinusoids?
    mixing of blood coming from hepatic arteries and hepatic portal vein
  • What is the route of blood supply and drainage in and through the liver?
    2 blood supplies:
    1. Proper hepatic artery (oxygen rich, 25%) → hepatic arteries
    2. Hepatic portal vein (nutrient rich, 75%)
    hepatic sinusoids (mix) → central veinshepatic veins inferior vena cava
  • What is the structure of the hepatic lobule?
    bile duct, branch of hepatic portal vein and branch of hepatic artery on edges
    sinusoids draining into central vein
  • What are Portostystemic Anastamoses and what are 3 examples?
    collateral circulation between systemic and portal circulation
    1. Oesophagus
    2. Peri-umbilical region
    3. Anal canal
  • How does the Portosytemic Anastomosis occur in the oesophagus region?
    Anastamosis of
    • Left gastric vein (portal - drains into hepatic portal vein)
    • Oesophageal vein (systemic - drains into azygos veins)
    In portal hypertension, causes: Oesophageal varices