‘I felt a second of pure despair, alone in the middle of the wide marsh, under the fast-moving, stormy sky, with only water all around me and that dreadful house the only solid thing for miles around.’
‘I ran as I have never run before, heedless of my own safety, desperate to go to the aid of the brave, bright little creature who had given me such consolation and cheer in that desolate spot.’
‘I must have a candle, some light, however faint and frail, to keep me company.’
‘there was only emptiness, an open door, a neatly made bed and a curious air of sadness, of something lost, missing, so that I myself felt a desolation, a grief in my own heart.’
‘And then, with an awful cry of realization, I knew. There was no visitor—or at least no real, human visitor—no Keckwick.’
‘I sat up paralyzed, frozen, in the bed, conscious only of the dog and of the prickling of my own skin and of what suddenly seemed a different kind of silence, ominous and dreadful.’
‘"I wouldn't have left you over the night," he said at last, "wouldn't have done that to you."’
‘Behind me, out on the marshes, all was still and silent; save for that movement of the water, the pony and trap might never have existed.’
‘But for today I had had enough. Enough of solitude and no sound save the water and the moaning wind and the melancholy calls of the birds, enough of monotonous grayness, enough of this gloomy old house.’
‘Minutes later, they were receding across the causeway, smaller and smaller figures in the immensity and wideness of marsh and sky…’