Cards (190)

  • Science
    Organized, well-founded body of knowledge of natural phenomena
  • Philosophy
    Love of wisdom
  • In ancient times, science was called "philosophy of the natural world" and the first scientists were called "philosophers of nature"
  • Lacking in technology, they heavily relied on careful observation, reason and common sense to acquire knowledge
  • The first undertaking by the first scientists (philosophers of nature) towards understanding the natural world
    Name and classify the objects found in nature
  • Branches of biology
    • Biology
    • Botany
    • Zoology
  • Other scientific fields
    • Geology
    • Physics
    • Astronomy
  • Scientific method
    Process of discovering knowledge about the natural world based on making falsifiable predictions (hypotheses), testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the known data
  • Four definitions of science
    • Science as knowledge
    • Science as a field of systematic inquiry into nature
    • Science as a form of human cultural activity
    • Science as a total societal enterprise
  • Technology
    Application of scientific knowledge, laws and principles to produce services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems
  • Four definitions of technology
    • Technology as techniques
    • Technology as a technology
    • Technology as a form of human cultural activity
    • Technology as a form of societal enterprise
  • Technology is dynamic; it keeps on improving because our needs and demands for technology keep on changing
  • During the industrial age, companies with large sums of capital had the potential of employing expensive technological tools to gain the competitive advantage
  • The information age provides a different work environment, and this has helped small businesses gain position in highly competitive markets
  • Types of technology
    • Communication Technology
    • Construction Technology
    • Assistive Technology
    • Medical Technology
    • Information Technology
    • Entertainment Technology
    • Business Technology
    • Educational Technology
  • Difference between technology and science
    Technology develops and explains the human-made world; it involves development, processing, and management
    Science explains the natural world; science refers to systematic methodology used to gather accurate information about shared reality
  • How to solve problems using technology
    1. Identifying a technological problem
    2. Developing a solution
    3. Evaluating the solution
    4. Communicating the solution
  • Society
    A larger group of individuals, who are associative with each other
  • Definitions of society
    • A society is the largest number of human beings who interact to satisfy their social needs and who share a common culture
    A society may be illustrated as an economic, social, or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of individuals
    A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations
    A society is a group of people broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture
    In Sociology, society refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of the norms or interaction or relationships that arise among them
  • Basic elements or characteristics of a society
    • Likeness
    • Reciprocal awareness
    • Differences
    • Interdependence
    • Cooperation
    • Conflict
  • Types of societies throughout history
    • Hunters and gatherers
    • Pastoral society
    • Agricultural society
    • Feudal society
    • Industrial society
    • Information society
  • Technological means
    • Allowed people to grow in numbers and form more prominent families
    • Gave rise to the first form of nobility and division among labor
    • There were warriors, educators, farmers, artisans and others
    • Began to appear like a functioning system
  • Feudal society
    A system that began as early as the 9th century where a wealthier member of the nobility lay claim to lands which were farmed and worked on by common people in exchange for food and housing
  • Industrial society
    • With the further advent of technology, people were able to put the machines to work and establish factories
    • This revolution began in 18th century Britain and quickly spread to the rest of the world
    • Meant that many people could get employment and support their families
    • Rise of industry, transportation, housing, education
  • Post-Industrial society

    • Factories are still present, but with a lot more technology and with the appearance of the digital age
    • We now have computers in our pockets, social networks on the internet and even intelligent machines
  • Types of Generation
    • Baby Boomers (1946-1964, 56-74 years old)
    • Generation X (1965-1979, 40-55 years old)
    • Gen Y (Millennial) (1980-1994, 24-39 years old)
    • Gen Z (1996-2015, 5-24 years old)
  • Antecedent
    A thing that comes before something else
  • We use the scientific method to acquire knowledge of the natural world
  • Scientific method
    • Empirical
    • Replicable
    • Provisional
    • Objective
    • Systematic
  • During the Middle Ages, most scholars believed that the earth was an immovable object located at the center of the universe
  • Geocentric theory

    The idea that the moon, the sun, and the planets all moved in perfectly circular paths around the earth
  • The geocentric theory came from Aristotle, the Greek philosopher of the fourth century B.C.
  • The Greek astronomer Ptolemy expanded the geocentric theory in the second century A.D.
  • Christianity taught that God had deliberately placed the earth at the center of the universe
  • Scientific Revolution
    A new way of thinking about the natural world based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs
  • The age of European exploration fueled a great deal of scientific research, especially in astronomy and mathematics
  • Heliocentric theory

    The theory that the stars, the earth, and the other planets revolve around the sun
  • Nicolaus Copernicus reasoned that the stars, the earth, and the other planets revolved around the sun
  • Tycho Brahe carefully recorded the movements of the planets for many years and produced mountains of accurate data based on his observations
  • After Brahe's death, his assistant Johannes Kepler continued his work and concluded that certain mathematical laws govern planetary motion