Cards (9)

  • Catholics
    Read the stories of creation in Genesis in a symbolic way
  • Genesis 1
    Reveals God to be omnipotent as he creates the universe from nothing
  • Genesis 1
    God is seen as transcendent as he exists in the beginning above and beyond the universe
  • Genesis 1
    God is also seen as eternal as he exists before all things
  • Genesis 2
    God is omnibenevolent as he creates the universe out of love
  • Catholics believe that the two Genesis accounts highlight important beliefs such as the sanctity of life, the imago dei and stewardship
  • Stewardship
    The belief that humans should protect and preserve the environment
  • Catholics believe that humans are made in the image of God
  • Fundamentalist Christian beliefs
    about Genesis 1 & 2
    Fundamentalist Christians read the stories of Genesis literally. They believe that the creation of the world and everything in it took place in six
    calendar days, exactly as the book of Genesis says. This stems from the view that the Bible is the direct word of God, which is never mistaken. In a similar
    ways to Catholics, Fundamentalists believe that Genesis reveals important beliefs about the nature of God and humans.