Failure to meet criteria for good mental health like self-attitudes, autonomy, environmental mastery, accurate perception of reality, integration, and personal growth
Inability to get through day-to-day life, including personal distress, maladaptive behaviour, unpredictability, irrationality, observer discomfort, violation of moral standards, and unconventionality
An approach in psychology that looks at how humans and other animals learn from the environment, focusing on the role of external, environmental factors rather than internal mental processes
The behaviourist explanation for phobia, involving classical conditioning (learning by association) and operant conditioning (learning from consequences)
Neutral stimulus paired with unconditioned stimulus that produces fear response, resulting in conditioned stimulus eliciting conditioned response of fear
Changing the thoughts and perceptions that underlie depression through cognitive restructuring - challenging and changing the irrational thoughts that characterise depressive thinking
A form of CBT developed by Ellis that follows the ABC model with D - dispute (challenging irrational thoughts using empirical and logical dispute) and E - effect (measuring the effects of the disputation on mood, anxiety and behaviour)