neuromuscular system

Cards (12)

  • Motor unit

    Nerve impulse + bunch of muscle fibres
  • All or none Law
    When a motor unit contracts, either all the fibres will contract or none of them will
  • Wave summation
    Repeated nerve impulses with no time to relax, which increases the force of contraction rather than twitches
  • Tetanic contraction
    A sustained, powerful contraction
  • Spatial summation
    A staggered activation of the motor units to maintain contraction and delay fatigue
  • Muscle spindles
    Proprioceptors that detect how far and fast a muscle is being stretched and produce the stretch reflex
  • Golgi tendon organs
    Sense the increase in muscle tension and send signals to the brain to allow the antagonist to relax and lengthen
  • Autogenic inhibition

    Sudden relaxation of the muscle after high tension
  • PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
    A passive stretch is performed and detected by the muscle spindles so a stretch reflex occurs, the partner then applies resistance to activate the Golgi tendon organs to delay the stretch reflex, the leg then stretches further
  • Muscle fibre types
    • Slow oxidative (type 1)
    • Fast oxidative glycolytic (type 11a)
    • Fast glycolytic (type 11b/x)
  • Muscle fibre types
    • Contraction speed: slow, fast, fast
    • Force produced: low, high, high
    • Fatiguability: low, medium, high
    • Mitochondrial density: high, medium, low
    • Myoglobin content: high, medium, low
    • Capillary density: high, medium, low
    • Aerobic capacity: high, medium, low
    • Anaerobic capacity: low, medium, high
    • Glycogen store: low, medium, high
    • Colour: red, pink, white
  • Neurone size: type I small, type IIa large, type IIb/x large