Everything that is seen, read, or heard in relation to human and community health. It could be in the form of print media, electronic and digital media.
Health products
Medicines, medical equipments, and related devices. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to cosmetics. It help relieve symptoms, aid in curing illnesses; and provide cosmetic effects.
Over The Counter Drugs
Pain Killers – Aspirin and Ibuprofen can harm stomach lining that leads to ulcer. Large dosage can lead to kidney damage.
Acetaminophen, used for fever and pain reliever for children, if taken in heavy doses, can cause bleeding and liver pain. These pain relievers should not be taken on an empty stomach.
Prolonged use of nasal sprays that relieve congestion can cause blood vessels in the nose to swell and can worsen congestion. This is called the rebound effect. It can also result to bleeding and loss of the sense of smell.
Frequent use of laxatives destroy flora in the intestinal tract, making constipation even worse. Exercise and high fiber diet are the safer alternatives for promoting normal defecation.
Cosmetic Products
Health services
These are the activities done to assess, maintain, or improve the individual's health can be considered as health services. These also includes the diagnosis and the treatment of illnesses, injuries, or disabilities.
Health professionals
Medical specialist, dental specialists, nurses, and mental health professionals are some of the health professionals who are engaged in providing solutions to health-related problems.
Health Care Professionals - Medical Specialist
ANESTHESIOLOGIST - Administration of anesthesia like in surgery
PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN - General health and medical care
SURGEON - Treats diseases by surgery
Health Care Professionals - Dental Specialist
DENTIST - General care of teeth and oral cavity
ENDODONTIST - Diseases of tooth below gum line and root canal theraphy
ORTHODONTIST - Teeth alignment, malocclusion, they do the braces
PEDODONTIST - Dental care of children
PERIODONTIST - Diseases supporting structures
PROSTODONTIST - Construction of artificial appliances for the mouth, dental implants
Health Care Professionals - Mental Health Practitioners
Health Care Professionals - Other Health Professionals
Health care facilities
Hospitals, barangay health centers, primary health care centers, private clinics, and others that are created to provide basic health services.
Promotion of unproven health products and services for a profit. Consumer fraud that involves the practices of promoting and selling useless products and services.
Types of quakery
A person or company involved in health fraud that usually tries hard to appear scientific. Endorses products or services with a promise of quick cures, miracles, or unbelievable formulas. Tells people what they want to hear.
10 medicinal plants approved by DOH in the Philippines
Tsaang Gubat
Yerba Buena
For the treatment of insect bites, itchiness, ringworms, infections, and eczema
As a supplement in treating diabetes, burns, and coughs
As a supplement in reducing blood cholesterol level
Used as antioxidant, antiallergy, antimicrobial
For the treatment of cough, colds, and fever
Niyog- Niyogan
For the elimination of intestinal parasites
As a supplement in treating hypertension, kidney stones, cough, and colds
Tsaang Gubat
For the treatment of skin allergies
For treating arthritis
Yerba Buena
For insect bites, coughs and colds
Consumer protection
Makes markets work for both businesses and consumers
Consumer rights
Be informed of the conditions of the products or services that are purchased
Protect your economic interests
Receive a guarantee
Being heard on claims
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Responsible for licensing, monitoring, and regulation of cosmetics, drugs, foods, household hazardous products, medical devices and electromagnetic radiation emitting devices, pesticides, tobacco and related products, and vaccines for safety, efficacy, and quality in the Republic of the Philippines
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
The executive department of the Philippine government responsible for the advancement, promotion, governance, regulation, management and growth of industry and trade
Department of Health (DOH)
Responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services by all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care, the regulation of all health services and products
Basic rights of the consumer
Right to be safe
Right to choose freely
Right to be informed
Right to be heard
Right to education
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act of 2012 (RA 10354)
It contributes to better maternal health outcomes, reducing the risks associated with unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions. It emphasizes the importance of accessible and affordable reproductive health services, including contraceptives.
Raising children and their needs
Family Planning
Deciding the number of children a married couple want
Birth control
Procedures, devices or medications that prevent pregnancy
Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (RA 9211)
Promotes a healthful environment by informing the public of the health risks associated with cigarette smoking and tobacco
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165)
A policy imposed by the government to deal with the state's problem with illegal drugs, particularly how it affects the youth
Roles covered by this law
Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA 7394)
Aims to protect the interest of consumers and buyers of products and services