Biohazard - an agent of biological origin that has the capacity to produce deleterious effect on humans, e.g ; microorganisms, toxins, and allergens
LaboratoryAcquiredInfections (LAI) - infections acquired in a laboratory setting
North America and Western Europe - where the biosafety and biosecurity traces its history
USBiological Weapons Program - origins of biosafety
1943 - US biological weapons program started
Franklin Roosevelt - ordered the start of US biological weapons program
The US Bioloigical Weapons Program was eventually terminated by US President Richard Nixon in 1969
Camp Detrick - biological research and development
Biosafety - inherent component of biological weapons development
Newell A. Johnson - designed modifications for biosafety at Camp Detrick
American Biological Safety Association (ABSA)
formed during 1984
members are from North America
biosafety - scientificdiscpline
Arnold Wedum
invented the ventilated cabinets (biological safety cabinet)
director of Industrial HealthandSafety at the US Army Bilogical Research Laboratories in 1944
pioneer of biosafety
1909 - pharmaceutical company developed ventilatedcabinets to prevent infection from mycobacterium tuberculosis
World Health Assembly consolidated the remaining small pox virus stocks into two locations ;
Center for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC)
State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology Vector (SRCVB VECTOR)
1974 - the CDC published the Classification of Etiological Agents on the Basis of Hazard
1976 - the National Institute of Health (NIH) published the NIH GuidelineforResearchforInvolving Recombinant DNA Molecules
1983 - World Health Organization (WHO) published the first edition of Laboratory Biosafety Manual (LBM)
1984 - CDC & NIH jointly-published the first edition of the Biosafety in MicrobiologicalandBiomedicalLaboratories
Biosafety Levels are ;
technicalmeans of mitigating the risk of accidentalinfection
combination of engineeredcontrols,administrativecontrols, and practices
equipment and facilitycontrol
Biosafety Officers - administrative role of ensuring that the propers equipment and facility controls are in place based on the specified biosafety level of the laboratory
1966 - Arnold Wedum and Morton Reitman are colleagues at Camp Detrick. They analyzed multiple-epidemiological studies of laboratory-based outbreaks
1996 - US government enacted the Select Agent Regulations
Revision of the SelectAgentRegulations in 2012 - sought to adress the creation of two tiers of select agents
Tier 1 Agents
greatest risk for misuse
mass casualties
adverse effects to the economy and critical infrastracture
public panic
Tier 1Select Agents
Bacillus Antracis (anthrax)
Yersinia Pestis (plague)
Francisella Tularensis (tularemia)
Clostridium Botulinum (botulism)
Variola Major (small pox)
Ebola and Marburg Viruses (viral hemorrhagic fevers)
Singapore - Biological Agents and Toxins Act
South Korea - Act on Prevention of Infectious Diseases in 2005
Japan - Infectious Disease Control Law
2008 - Danish Parliament passed a law to regulate biological agents
Biosafety Guidelines - protect human health as well as the environment for pathogens
Guidelines include ;
laboratory practices and procedures
facility design
safety equipment requirements
February 2008 - Comité Européen de Normalisation published the CENWorkshopAgreement15793 (CWA 15793) focuses on laboratory biorisk management
Comité Européen de Normalisation
24 member countries
maintain a biorisk management system among diverse organizations
updated in 2011
expired in 2014
1983 - WHO published the 3rd Edition of the Laboratory Biosafety Manual, it includes information on the Biosafety Levels 1 - 4
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CBP)
168 member countries
ensure adequate level of protection in the field of safe transfer, handling, and use of living modified organisms (LMOS)
NationalCommittee on Biosafety of the Philippines
established under E.O 430 series of 1990
March 17, 2006, the OP promulgated EO 514 establishing the National Biosafety Framework (NBF) to attain the objective of the CBO which the Philippines signed on May 24, 2000
Department of Agriculture (DA) issued Administrative Order No. 8 on policies about modern biotechnology in plants
Asia Pacific Biosafety Association (A-PBA)
founded in 2005
members are from asia-pacific region
European Biological Safety Association (EBSA)
founded in June1996
non-profit organization
provide a forum for discussions and debates on issues concerning biosafety
Philippine Biosafety and Biosecurity Association (PHBBA)
technical working group of the National Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity (NLBB) Action Plan Task For e as per DPO No. 2006-2500 dated September 15, 2006