Changes on the Earth's surface due to volcanic activity
Volcanic eruption
When tectonic plates collide, massive rocks underground form and trigger a build-up of temperature and pressure, resulting in melting of rocks and producing magma
How a volcanic eruption occurs
1. Tectonic plates collide
2. Massive rocks underground form
3. Temperature and pressure build up
4. Rocks melt, producing magma
5. Magma in chamber is forcefully driven out
Volcanic eruption
1. Magma chamber
2. Molten rock inside magma chamber is forcefully driven out by intense heat and pressure
3. Release of magma from the crater is called a volcanic eruption
4. Magma flows out on the surface as lava
5. Volcano erupts, ejecting lava, gases, rocks, and ashes
Molten rock that flows out on the surface during a volcanic eruption
Pyroclastic materials
Lava, ashes, volcanic glass, and rocks ejected by the volcano into the air
Volcanic eruption
Can be explosive or nonexplosive
Explosive eruption occurs when gases in the magma are trapped, causing a build up of pressure in the magma chamber, resulting in a violent explosion
Nonexplosive eruption occurs when lava just flows out of the crater and gaps along the sides of the volcano, due to less pressure in the magma chamber
Volcanic eruption
Can be explosive or nonexplosive
Explosive eruption occurs when gases in the magma are trapped, causing a build up of pressure and violent explosion
Nonexplosive eruption occurs when lava just flows out with less pressure in the magma chamber
Vary in sizes, from low-lying depressions to tall mountains
Vary in shape, from cone-shaped to dome-shaped
Vary in size from low-lying depressions to tall mountains
Vary in shape from cones to domes
Volcanic eruptions can cause damage to plants, animals, people, and property
Effects of volcanic eruptions
Destruction of plants, animals, people, and property
Lava flow can burn anything in its path
Mudflow or lahar can cause landslides, flooding, and damage
Volcanic ash and dust can irritate lungs and cause health problems
Can trigger earthquakes
Beneficial effects of volcanic eruptions
Pyroclastic materials can make soil fertile
Fumaroles can provide geothermal steam for electricity generation
Can produce industrial materials like pumice and sulfur
Rocks help scientists study the Earth's interior
Hot lava flow can burn anything in its path, mudflow or lahar can cause landslides, flooding, and damage to buildings and farms, volcanic ash and dust can irritate lungs and cause health problems, strong eruptions can trigger earthquakes
Volcanic eruptions can also be beneficial, as the pyroclastic materials can make the soil fertile, the heat can produce geothermal steam to generate electricity, and eruptions can produce industrial materials like pumice and sulfur
Rocks from volcanoes help scientists study the interior of the Earth