Cards (4)

    1. changes in concentration of Ca2+ ions in the presynaptic neurone cause an action potential in the post synaptic neurone s the concentration is proportional to the strength of the stimulus
    2. Ca2+ changes from low to med/high cause i create in membrane potential
    3. action potential in the presynaptic neurone leads to opening of Ca2+ channels, allowing them to enter
    4. these cause the release of a neurotranmitter
    5. this causes Na+ ion channels to open in the post synaptic neurone
    6. if threshold is exceeded this causes an action potential in the post synaptic neurone, depolarising its membrane
  • myelination effects the speed of conduction
    • depolarisation must occur across the whole membrane of the axon if not present
    • formed by schwann cells, cause depolarisation and action potentials to not occur as it stops the diffusion of Na+ and K+ ions
    • AP only occurs at nodes of Ranvier causing it to jump from one node to the next, known as saltatory condiction. allows impulse to travel much faster
    • local circuits of current that trigger depolarisation only exist between the nodes
  • Diameter
    • neurones with thicker axons means that the impulse will be conducted at a higher speed as the membrane has a greater surface area so the ions can diffuse across
    • also possess a greater volume of cytoplasm containing ions. this reduces electrical resistance so that an action potential can push into the next section faster
  • temperature
    • ectotherms means colder conditions can slow down the conduction of nerve impulses
    • less kinetic energy available for facilitated diffusion during an action potential