prophase 1; crossing over of non-sister chromatids
metaphase 1; independent assortment of homologous chromosomes
metaphase 2; independent assortment of chromatids
anaphase 2; independent segregation of chromatids
hardy weinberg principal valid if
population is large
mating is random
organisms are diploid and reproduce by sexual reproduction only
no overlap between generations
allele frequency constant
mating is isolated and no migration occurs
allele frequencies equal in both sexes
no selection pressures so no evolution
no mutations arise
p+q = 1 where p is dominant allele and q is the recessive
P^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 where P^2 is the homozygous dominant genotype, 2pq is the heterozygous genotype and q^2 is the homozygous recessive
how does equal reproduction lead to genetic variation?
genetic variation down to the variety of alleles and offspring have them from more than one parent
random fertilisation paired with meiosis producing genetically unique gametes
crossing over can occur in prophase 1 where alleles swapped with non-sister chromatids so the base sequence of chromosomes are altered
independent assortment occur in metaphase 1 and relevant in metaphase 2 if crossing over has occurred
epistasis occurs when one allele codes for a repress or protein tha binds to the promoter of the second allele, stopping the transcription and translation of it and protein synthesis doesn’t occur. the product inhibits the enzyme
autosomal linkage is a reason for mendalian ratios not matching as this means both alleles occur on the same chromatid and there is no independent assortment and alleles inherited together end up on the same gamete unless crossing over occurs and chaisma forms between loci