There is a lot going on in wave motion. A wave changes over time, but it also travels through space
Types of wave graphs
Displacement-time graph
Displacement-distance graph
Displacement-time graph
Focuses your attention on oscillations at just one point in space
Displacement-distance graph
Takes a snapshot in time-shows you the wave shape over the whole space at that instant
Time for complete cycle
1/time for complete cycle
Maximum displacement from the central position
There is no net transfer of matter in wave motion, only the transfer of wave energy
Physical movement of a particle, or change of another quantity, for example, of electric field for electromagnetic waves
Occurs around a mean value of the displacement
Direction of propagation
Line along which wave energy travels and in which the wave oscillations propagate that they reproduce the pattern of the wave
Wave types
Longitudinal wave
Transverse wave
Longitudinal wave
Wave energy travels in the direction of propagation, oscillations back and forth along the direction of propagation
Transverse wave
Wave energy travels perpendicular to the direction of propagation, oscillations at right-angles to the direction of propagation - up and down or side to side
In longitudinal waves there are compressions (regions with particles closer together) and rarefactions (particles further apart) that move with the wave pattern
Microphone detects pressure variations caused by compression and rarefactions of the air in a sound wave
Transverse waves in water or in stretched strings can be visible as travelling ripples or as standing waves
Detectors for transverse waves must be aligned at right angles to the direction of propagation, for example, TV and radio antennas
Sound is a longitudinal wave
Radio and TV signals are transverse waves
Wave speed
Speed at which a wave transfers energy from one place to another, varies according to the medium through which it propagates
Distance travelled by one cycle of the wave
Number of cycles per unit time
Wave speed, v, is related to wavelength, λ, and frequency, f, by the equation v = λf
In musical instruments with strings, you can tune the notes without changing the length by making changes to the medium (the string) and so altering the speed of the waves
Force measured in newtons (N) that affects the speed of waves in a string
The speed of light in free space (vacuum) is 2.998 x 10^8 m/s
Nothing has ever been observed to travel faster than the speed of light
Refractive index
Ratio of the speed of light in free space to the speed of light in a medium
The speed of sound in air is fixed for any given temperature and pressure
You can only tune brass or woodwind instruments by altering the length of pipe being used
Sound travels in air at 3.0 x 10^8 m/s
A guitar string of mass per unit length 0.001 kg/m is tuned to give a certain open note. To produce an open note one octave lower (half the frequency), the weight of string used should be four times as much
The speed of light when travelling through glass of refractive index n = 1.48 is slower than in free space
Wave-fronts are lines (or planes in 3D) drawn to join points in a wave where all the oscillations are in phase, and are spaced one wavelength apart
Between two successive wave-fronts, the wave oscillations go through one complete cycle - a phase difference of 360° or 2π rad
Detectable pattern of different strengths (amplitudes) of wave oscillation, caused by waves from different sources crossing and adding together
Interference patterns only occur when the wave sources are coherent - that is, they have the same frequency and a fixed phase relationship
No detector is fast enough to directly measure the frequency and phase of light, so interference experiments are used to explore its coherence, and hence to understand the wave nature of light photons
Diffraction gratings are arrays of regularly spaced slits, designed to break up a plane wave into a set of separate wave sources