What is the term that means our internal clock runs independently?
Free running
Who did the cave study?
Siffre (1962)
What did Siffre do?
Spent 2 months living in a cave with no external cues to guide his rhythm (eg light)
His rhythm settled at 24.9 hour days
This is evidence for free-running endogenous circadian rhythms
What are the strengths of Siffre’s study?
Controlled environment
Replicable therefore reliable
Evidence for free-running circadian rhythms
What are some weaknesses of Siffre’s study?
Casestudy so may not be generalisable
Artificial light may have been used. Czeiser found this to be an exogenouszeitgaber, so the study lacks validity
Why did Aschoff and Weaver (1976) find?
Ps spent 4 weeks in a bunker deprived of natural light, and they all had an extended sleep wake cycle. This suggests our sleep wake cycle is constrained to 24 hours by exogenouszeitgabers
Who did the bunker study?
Folkard (1985)
What did Folkard do?
Placed 12 people in a bunker for 3 weeks
They went to bed at 11:45pm and woke up at 7:45am
Throughout the study the researchers sped up the clock so their day only lasted 22 hours
Nobody could adjust to the new regime showing we must have an endogenous system
How can night shift work be helped?
If people are tired and having accidents during night shifts due to an increase in melatonin we can make brighter lights in hospitals etc