- uses it to describe himself. Used to try and not claim his divinity to avoid the authorities to stop them from arresting him for being blasphemous. Son of man was ambiguous. To outside observers he was claiming to be a normal human, but to those who knew his teachings it would hint at his divine mission as a representative of god. Marks Gospel: recurring theme 'messianic secret'
- 'foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head': Jesus appears to be saying that he is open to the same kind of human hardships as everyone else
- 'a confession of the deity of Jesus in the full Christian sense'. Vincent Taylor, saw something godlike in Jesus which marked him out as more than a mere man
- Christian theologians reached the conclusion that Jesus was fully divine and fully human and the use of both son of God and son of man titles gave some support to the understanding of Jesus and his authority