Meaning diffusion across the plant into the walls can happen quickly
Nephrons in Kidneys
Thin walls and very large surface area as required to efficiently reabsorb substances like water and glucose
Gas exchange in animals
O2 transported to blood and CO2 to the lungs, takes place across membranes or alveoli which are covered in capillaries which supply the blood
Small intestine
Alveoli surround by blood vessels with thin walls
Factors affecting diffusion
Concentration gradient - the greater the difference in concentration, the faster the rate of diffusion because more particles are randomly moving down the gradient than against it
Nails growing
Very small and arranged in clusters creating large surface area for diffusion
Capillaries provide a large blood supply, maintaining a concentration gradient
Walls are very thin so short diffusion pathway
Diffusion in single-celled organisms
Can use diffusion to transport molecules because they have relatively large surface area to volume ratio
Multi-cellular organisms have small surface area to volume ratio so cannot rely on diffusion alone