Cards (53)

  • Language
    Goes beyond just describing real situations, it primarily aims to form the components of culture (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)
  • Language
    The expression of thought utilizing speech-sounds (Henry Sweet)
  • Language
    A system of communication by sound through the organs of speech and hearing, among human beings of a certain group or community, using vocal symbols possessing arbitrary conventional meanings (Mario A. Pei & Frank Gaynor)
  • Language
    Came from the Latin term Lingua, meaning tongue, and the French term langue. Language is associated with human vocal and auditory means of expressing ideas and feelings
  • Macro skills
    • Listening
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Viewing
  • Listening
    • A prerequisite to understanding
    • A skill of grasping and decoding information during the exchange of messages
    • The beginning of understanding and valuable key to effective communication
  • 10 steps to effective listening
    1. Look at the speaker in the face and eyes
    2. Focus and give attention but relax
    3. Be open-minded
    4. Listen and picture what the speaker is saying
    5. Don't speak while the person is talking
    6. When the speaker pauses, you may ask clarifying questions
    7. Ask relevant questions
    8. Put yourself in the speaker's place
    9. Give feedback
    10. Focus as well to nonverbal cues
  • Speaking
    • The ability that makes us superior to other species
    • A complex cognitive linguistic skill that involves words and sounds
  • Functions of speaking
    • Interaction (socializing)
    • Transaction (with command)
    • Performance (speaking in front of people)
  • Reading
    • A multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation
    • Making meaning from print
  • What reading requires
    • Identify the words in print
    • Construct an understanding of them
    • Coordinate identifying words and making meaning
  • Types of reading
    • Oral reading
    • Silent reading
  • Oral reading
    • Reading aloud
    • Improves poor word identification in the context
    • Helps to correct and detect errors that the reader produced
    • Improves proper pronunciation and enunciation
  • Silent reading
    Extensive and intensive reading
  • Writing
    • A macro skill that should be mastered by language teachers
    • Entails control of language variables
  • Steps for writing
    1. Decide the topic
    2. Research and collect information
    3. Outline and plan
    4. Start writing a simple draft
    5. Review, edit and format
  • Viewing
    • A skill that allows students to pause and reflect and think about the images they are seeing and analyze or evaluate further these visuals for better use
    • Includes giving meaning to the images or visuals
    • Gives an avenue for students to understand things and gain knowledge through information
  • Visual literacy
    The ability to learn visually by thinking and solving problems presented in the visual domain
  • Ideas may be presented visually through
    • Pictures
    • Graphics
    • Posters
    • Drawings
    • Videos
    • Web pages
    • Multimedia
  • Communicative competence
    • The knowledge one has on morphology, phonology, syntax including how and when to use these appropriately in utterances
    • The proper efficient communication flow and the skill to utilize and acclimate this expertise in different situations
    • The overall system which includes the skill and knowledge one needs for communication
  • Your first language will be tattooed in your brain forever
  • Primary language
    The language in which you feel most comfortable expressing yourself
  • The first language of a person is his native language as well
  • What we learn in school is usually the second language
  • A second language may become a person's first language
  • First language
    The language you learned and spoke in your home
  • A lot of people have English as their primary language because it is a global lingua franca
  • A person or community can choose his or her second language
  • A person cannot decide his first language
  • First language
    The language used and learned by a person from birth until critical period, the language used in households
  • Children effortlessly and naturally learn their first language with 100% proficiency within 6 years old from birth by listening to the people that surround them
  • There is no alternative to a first language
  • First language doesn't require any conscious effort because the acquisition process is subconscious
  • First language begins with telegraphic speech
  • Second language
    Another language usually learned after learning L1
  • It takes effort and conscious will to learn a second language by familiarizing with form, vocabulary, pronunciation, functions, and rules of the language
  • Learning a second language is a personal choice
  • Second language is learned consciously through guidance and instruction and requires constant effort
  • Linguistics
    The scientific study of language
  • Micro linguistics (narrow view)
    • Phonetics
    • Phonology
    • Morphology
    • Syntax
    • Semantics
    • Pragmatics