There are many schools of Islan, These schools agree on most beliefs and practices withs the Islamic faith, although there are some differences. One of the main schools is Sunni.
Risalah (prophethood) - following the prophets of Allah
We recognise prophets or essengers of Alab These include Aula ham mal; Mus Moses, David David Less and Mahanal The nature and importance of prophethood for Miss called Risalah.
Akhirah-teachings about life after death and the Day of Judgement
The six articles of faith are contained in the Kitab al-Iman or "Book of Faith. They are important for Sunni Muslims 20 they are the fundamental belets of the faith that they hold to be true.
Me that there is an abortle. They accept a Day of Judgement when every human will be judged by Allah on their actices on Earth. For more on Adirah, see page 23.
Muslims will recite the belief in the oneness of Allah in their prayers each day. They will also look to the Qur'an for advice to help them understand their faith better and follow Allah. They will live their lives always aware of Allah and the fact that Islam teaches that he will judge then on their actions after death. This will make them more aware of their behaviour.
Takid is the most importare Maslin behel Existe this statement. In your asever you should fer so Malin izching Sa Mulis place greater ampus an the idea that Al is completely ler and jet through the concept of juice Ae, which central to Sea Meals (The six articles de not make it explicit or emphasise & in such an important c athough Sues Musies do accept that Ali jest Suns Mal recognise anges in their central beliefs is the s articles a Muslins accept the existence of angs but they are not part of the The roots Sa Mm cetral beliefs tut A, Marascon and son-in-law is the rightful leader choses aher Mana death The inmate refers to the line of leadership they recognise Sun Moms do not accept this)
The different understanding of who the imamate is provides the key difference between the six articles and the five roots, and is one of the main dividing features between Sunni and Sh'a Islam
Islam is a monotheistic religion, which mears Muslims believe in one god, Allah. Beliefs about Allah and what he is like are described in many religious texts, including the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an.
the Islamic word to describe the idea that Muslims only accept one god (nonothelam). This is the most fundamental belief of Islam, as all other principles relate to it.
Muslims believe that by knowing what Allah is like they can understand him better, follow the way he wants them to live their lives, and strengthen their relationship with Allah.
They are not thought to have free will or physical bodies, but can take on human shape when needed Belet in angels is contained in the six articles of farth for Sunni Musins
Angel of Death and a resposals for signaling the Day of Judgement her all Mass will be sunpt it is beloved P doth will so you who has bevo canated with you Thes so your Lend yes wille tamod
Muses believe in al-Qadr (predestination)- that Allah has already decided everything that happers-and in Akhirah Gife after death), which affects how Musirs choose to live.
There is a direct ink between predestination and the Day of Judgement, as Musire believe that once this day comes, it is too late to beg forgiveness for wrongdoing.
Nter death, the ang of dow at a person's Musina wil want to hve their lives according to the beliefs of the Day of Judgement and al-Qadr to ensure they gain reward is the afterlife.