An understanding of metamorphic rock textures requires a basic understanding of stress and deformation - the foundation of structural geology
A directed force of some magnitude applied over an area
A change induced by stress
Stress and deformation are critically important to sedimentary and igneous rocks, particularly with respect to their resource potential and their role in geohazards
A line whose length is proportional to its magnitude and which has an arrow indicating direction
Resolving force into components
Force F can be resolved into normal force Fn and shear force Fs
Three fundamental ways stress can be applied to a rock body
Principal stress axes
Three mutually perpendicular vectors representing normal forces of equal (uniform) or unequal (non-uniform) magnitude
Principal planes
Planes parallel to two principal stress axes and normal to the third stress axis
Uniform (isotropic) stress
All three principal stress axes are of equal magnitude
Uniform (isotropic) stress
No shear stresses occur
No change in shape occurs
Volume change can occur
Non-uniform (anisotropic) stress
At least one principal stress has a magnitude not equal to the other principal stresses
Non-uniform (anisotropic) stress
Shear stresses can occur on rock bodies, but not on a principal plane
Shape changes can occur
Volume change can occur with corresponding changes in density
Non-uniform stress promotes the development of inequant grain growth and foliations
A physical change in the rock due to an applied stress
Components of deformation
Homogeneous strain
Strain is equal throughout the rock body so that parallel lines remain parallel, perpendicular lines remain perpendicular and circles flatten to become ellipses
Heterogeneous strain
Strain intensity varies within a rock body, producing angular changes so that lines that were once parallel or perpendicular are no longer so, and circles do not deform to ellipses
A change in volume
An object has moved from one point to another point
An object has moved in a circular arc about an axis
Principal strain axes
Imaginary lines that are perpendicular to each other and that intersect planes of zero shear strain, denoted X, Y, Z
Stress induces strain, and the three principal stress axes (σ1, σ2, σ3) can correspond to the three principal strain axes (X, Y, Z)
Rotational strain
Strain axes rotate through time, so that the principal strain axes do not remain the same during progressive deformation
Different principal strain axes occur at each incremental step as a result of axis rotation
Coaxial strain
No rotation of the incremental strain axes occurred from an initial to final strain state
Pureshear (coaxial strain)
Uniform elongation occurs in only one direction
Uniform contraction occurs in a perpendicular direction
Strain axes are parallel to principal stress axes
Principal strain axes correspond to principal stress axes throughout deformation
No change in volume occurs
Simple shear (non-coaxial strain)
Strain axes do not remain parallel during progressive deformation
X, Y and Z strain axes rotate during progressive deformation for a fixed single stress orientation
Direction of maximum elongation is not parallel to direction of minimum compressive stress or maximum tensional stress
Direction of maximum shortening (minimum extension) is not parallel to direction of minimum tension or maximum compressive stress
General shear
Combination of pure shear and simple shear
Elastic deformation
Deformation produced by stress is totally and instantaneously reversible or recoverable
Plastic deformation
Irreversible strain without visible fractures, although microfracturing can occur
Rupture deformation
Creates visible fractures in response to stress, resulting in loss of cohesion of rock particles and permanent, irreversible deformation
Hooke's law
Linear relationship between stress and strain in elastic behavior
Young'smodulusofelasticity (E)
Measure of resistance to elastic distortion, a constant of proportionality that describes the slope of the stress-strain line
Stiff rocks
Require high stress values to achieve a given strain value
Rocks that are not stiff
Deform more with a given amount of stress
The stress-strain relationship is not time dependent; no time lag occurs, so that strain begins when stress is first applied; and strain ceases immediately upon the removal of stress
Young's modulus of elasticity (E)
The slope of the stress-strain line, a constant of proportionality that describes the slope of the line
Young'smodulus of elasticity
A measure of resistance to elastic distortion, dependent upon the stiffness or rigidity of the material
A rigid, stiff rock (high E) such as granite requires greater stress to achieve a given strain than a soft, pliable shale (low E)