
Cards (12)

  • Compliance
    Going along with others to gain approval. Publicly conform but privately disagree
  • Internalisation
    Going along with others because you have accepted their point of view because it is consistent with your own. A permanent change in beliefs
  • Identification
    Going along with others because you have accepted their viewpoint but only because of a desire to be like them. Accept behaviours as true because you want to fit in
  • Normative Social Influence
    A person conforms to be accepted because it is socially rewarding, or to avoid social rejection
  • Informational Social Influence
    A person conforms to be right because we are often uncertain about what is right or wrong
  • Asch's line experiment
    • Found 36.8% conformity rate and 75% conformed at least once
  • Variations of Asch's study
    • Group size
    • Unanimity
    • Task difficulty
  • Perrin and Spencer's replication of Asch's study

    • Found only 1 person conformed
  • Asch's study had limitations - unrepresentative (male) sample, artificial task and demand characteristics, ethical issues (deception and protection from harm)
  • Stanford Prison Experiment (Procedure)
    24 male students who volunteered were randomly assigned the role of guard or prisoner and given uniform to match - set to run for 2 weeks
  • Stanford Prison Experiment (Findings)
    • Participants quickly identified with their roles - prisoners attempted rebellion but were crushed by the abusive guards - guards dehumanised the prisoners with punishments - 5 prisoners were released early due to adverse reactions to torment - the experiment was terminated after 6 days
  • Reicher and Haslam's replication of the SPE

    • Found no conformity to social roles automatically, and the prisoners banded together to successfully overthrow the guards