Results Milgram

Cards (7)

  • Quantitative Findings
    • 26 participants were obedient and administered a complete round of electric shocks, while only 14 were defiant
    • 65% obeyed and 35% terminated the experiment before reaching 450 volts
  • When the experimenter was the one to end the experiment (at 450 volts), many of the participants sighed in relief or shook their heads in what seemed like regret
  • 40 out of 40 participants went up to 300 volts (at this point 5 participants refused to continue)
  • Most of the participants were sweating, shaking, stuttering or fidgeting during the study.
  • 14 participants giggled nervously and 3 had seizures and the procedure was stopped for one of them.
    • Average rating of how painful the shocks were was 13.42 out of a maximum of 14.