Sample Milgram

Cards (8)

  • Milgram in Brief
     65 % of the participants were willing to administer the highest voltage of 450 V, with the mean estimate being 1.2 percent. 
    • The 450 V electric shock to another innocent person.
  • participants
    40 males between the ages of 20 - 50 were drawn from the New Haven district of Connecticut, USA.
  • Selection of participants
    The participants did not no special training, education , or experience is needed 
    (they wanted factory workers , businessmen , white-collar workers , they wanted whatever they could get.)
  • Selection of participants
    • All the people must be between ages 20 - 50 
    • No high school or college students because they more likely to follow orders from superiors (headmasters and teachers)
  • He invited males from the local area through a newspaper advertisement to take part in a learning and memory experiment. He told them about the study.
    • All respondents estimated that only a very small minority of participants would surprise everybody
  • recruited participants using a newspaper advert.
    Volunteer Sampling
    • The participants were offered a $4.00 for a hour , they were told that they need people for a Memory Study and learning , the study was going to be done at Yale University
    • 37.5% were manual laborers, 40% were
    • white-collar workers and 22.5% were professionals.