Food and Water-born parasites

Cards (49)

  • How does a person get in contact with a platyhelminths
    by the consumption of raw or undercooked fish, aquatic plants, snails and raw or undercooked meat from rare to medium well
  • General prevention of Platyhelminths
    Discriminate defecation
    treatment of water sources
    spacing of toilet facilities from groundwater sources
    cooking food adequately and well done
  • known species of capillariasis
    capillaria philippinensis
  • signs and symptoms of capillariasis begins with prodromal abdominal pain and borboygmi
  • 2-3 weeks after infenction of capillariasis may lead to diarrhea
  • management for capillariasis
    first line: mebendazole 200 mg PO BID x 20 days
    alternative: albendazole 400 mg PO OD x 10 days
  • Known species for taeniasis
    taenia solium: pork tapeworm
    taenia saginata: beef tapeworm
    taenia asiatica: asian tapeworm
  • egg morphology of the eggs of the taeniasis
    positive for radially-striated
  • Taenia solium
    4 large suckers
    13 hooks of each size
  • Taenia saginata
    4 large suckers but lacks rostellum and rostellar
  • taenia asiatica
    rudimentary hookletwart-like formation
  • Taenia solium 

    longer than wide
    7-13 primary lateral urine branches
  • Taenia saginata
    longer than wide
    7-13 primary lateral urine branches
  • Taenia asiatica
    longer than wide
    12-30 primary lateral branches
  • In the Philippines
    Taenia saginata are more common than Taenia solium
  • Passage of proglottids
    worm segment in the stool
  • Taenia saginata are
    highly motile and may travel to other GIT parts
  • Taenia saginata is positive to
    mild irritation at the site of scolex attachment
  • Taenia solium in humans can develop
    cysticercus or adult tapeworm
  • if symptoms occur it is due to
    obstruction or pressure
  • if the cysticercus develops in the brain (nuerocysticercosis) it may cause

    neurological problems
  • fecalysis is not recommend because it would not show the eggs

  • Spinal tap or CAT scan is recommended for
  • CT scan findings in cysticercosis
    viable larva with no inflammation
    dead larva
    dead scolex
  • treatment for neurocysticercosis
    praziquantel 50-75 mg/kg, three dose for 30 days
    mannitol to decrease ICP
  • treatment for ocular cysticercosis
    surgical removal
    corticosteroid not recommended
  • treatment for taeniasis
    praziquantel 5-10 mg/kg, single dose
  • known species of paragonimiasis
    paragonimus westermani
  • adult morphology of paragonomiasis
    Large, robust, ovoid flukes
    hermaphroditic, lobed ovary
    oral and ventral suckers
  • paragonomiasis eggs does not usually
    cause infection
  • fibrotic capsule forms around the parasite or their group
    lung parenchyma
  • it has openings that allow the eggs to escape into the respiratory tract
    fibrotic capsule
  • the eggs are moved up and out by the
    ciliary epithelium
  • signs and symptoms of paragonimiasis
    hemoptysis and cough
  • chest X-ray results of paragonomiasis
    mimics the clinical manifestations of tuberculosis
  • treatment for paragonomiasis
    first line: Triclabendazole 20 mg/kg, two doses of 10 mg/kg OD
    Alternative: Praziquantel 25 mg/kg, 3x/day for 3 days
  • known species of fascioliasis
    fasciola hepatica
    fasciola gigantica
  • fasciola hepatica
    temperate liver fluke
  • fasciola gigantica
    tropical liver fluke
  • adult morphology of fasciola hepatica
    cephalic cone
    two shoulders
    converging margins