this is an alternative way to define behaviour as abnormal - it looks at whether a person is able to live a 'normal life' or not (FTF)
failing to function may be because they cannot maintain basic standards of
cannot keep a job
maintain relationships with people around them
Rosenhan and Seligman signs that indicate someone is not functioning adequately

-no longer conforms to standard interpersonal rules
-experiences severe personal distress
-behaviour becomes irrational or dangerous to themselves and others
according to this way of defining abnormality, someone 'crosses the line' and becomes abnormal when they can no longer cope with the tasks of day to day living.
what is the diagnosis for failure to function?
the GAF scale
scale 1-100
evaluation points (AO3)
GAF scale - takes into account their well-being rather than imposing standards on them. Helpful for directing treatment.
Subjective assessment - it is opinion so can vary. Ignores the causes for the behaviour. Blurry line b/w FTF and people 'expressing' themselves.