Social Inequality

Cards (21)

  • Social Inequality

    all societies exhibit ...based on their membership in a social category
  • Patterned Inequalities

    ... are statistical regularities - not absolute laws
    - the presence of exceptions doesn't negate the empirical reality of the pattern
  • Possible Dependent Variables (of social inequality) (that exhibit patterned inequalities)
    - wealth, access to material resources(Pierre Bourdieu "proximity to necessity")
    - safety(victimization and access to police protection)
    - access to education
    - health outcomes(ex: mortality rates)
    - social recognition(to be included in the public sphere as one's authentic self)
  • Independent Variables (of social inequality)
    - Class
    - Race
    - Ethnicity
    - Nationality
    - Disability Status
    - Immigration Status
    - Gender
    - Sexuality
  • Demographic Variables

    ex: race gender, immigration status, etc
    - can be isolated in a statistical model but are never isolated in experience
  • Intersectionality

    intersecting identities which are often associated withparticular experiencesof social inequality
  • Additive Effects

    When inequalities arecombined together
    women - 15,000
    black - 20,000
    black women -35,000
  • Interactional Effects

    Occupies the 2 positionsseparatelyand is associated with its own specific disadvantagerather than combined
    women - 15,000
    black - 20,000
    black women45,000
  • Race

    physical differences
  • Ethnicity

    shared culture (ex: language, religion, traditions)
  • Nationality

    country of original citizenship
  • Racialization

    the process through whichphysical differences(i.e. skin colour)gets signified as a fundamental category
  • Observing Race and Inequality
    the sociological study of ... can address their relationship at each level of analysis: macro, meso, and micro
    Macro - immigrants + income level
    Micro - why there's an income gap
    - concerned about the subjective experience of racialization
  • Double-Consciousness

    consciousness of how one is perceived by both, white individuals or the dominant white culture more generally AND consciousness of one's self, one's own self-understanding
  • The Veil

    describes the inability to escape racial categorization for non-whites
    - race is standing in front (...) and is the first thing a person sees but once you get to know them you see behind (...)
    - white people are judged based on what they do while black people are judged on what they do based on their racial category
    - Black Americans are "born with ..." which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world."
  • Upward Mobility

    when a person moves from a low to a high socioeconomical class
    ex: 3rd generation is doing better than 1st generation (therefore they're moving up)
  • Education

    - although its relationship with upward mobility is decreasing, it still remains to be the single most important predictor of upward mobility
    - however it's by no means a guarantee of upward mobility
  • 3 Ways in Which a Person Goes About a Stereotype
    1. Conform
    2. Reject
    3. Overperform to Combat the Influence (prove them wrong)
  • Patriarchy

    describes gender-based inequality
    - political inequality and exclusion
    - economic inequality
    - sexual violence
    Gayatri Spivak (post-colonial feminist theorist): The inequality that exists "from the bottom to the top."
  • Occupational Sex Segregation

    women areconcentratedin lower income professions (ex: daycare workers, domestic service providers, etc.)
  • Vertical Occupational Sex Segregation

    within every occupation (including high income professions), women areclusteredin the lower earning sectors of the occupation