Groups 1, 2, 6 and 7 form ions very easily. This is because they only need to gain or lose a small number of electrons, and so less energy is required.
Those in groups 3, 4 and 5 do not form ions very easily, because they need to gain or lose a larger number of electrons, and therefore more energy is required.
Ions with opposite charges will attract each other.
This force of attraction between oppositelycharged ions forms an ionic bond.
Oppositely charged ions attract each other.
This is called an electrostatic force. This same force is also what attracts protons to electrons within atoms and ions
When drawing dot and cross diagrams, remember to surround the ion with square brackets and put the charge in the top right corner.
Metals normally form ions which have a positive charge, while non-metals form ions with a negative charge.
Ions are attracted to other ions with the opposite charge, due to electrostatic forces.
Ionic compounds have relatively highmelting and boiling points.
This is because ionic bonds are very strong, and a high amount of energy is required to break the bonds
Have a very thick structure, atoms may wiggle a little but are in fixed positions, cannot flow or be compressed