Particularly their intangible aspects like music and dance, which are vital components of cultural identity
Cultural erosion caused by factors like globalization and discrimination, which threaten these traditions
Digital era offers new opportunities for preservation, but challenges remain in documenting and protecting these culturallegacies
Strategies and technologies used globally to preserve indigenous cultures
Government funding for cultural heritage management
Programs integrating communities into sustainable practices
Cultural awareness and sensitivity
Concerns about cultural appropriation
Lack of awareness among mainstream populations
Specific examples from places like the Philippines and Malaysia
Challenges faced by indigenous communities, such as limited access to education and exploitation of cultural heritage
Efforts to document and educate about these cultures are essential for preserving and promoting awareness
The need for ongoing research and action plans to preserve indigenous cultures is emphasized
Initiatives like compiling playlists of music and dance traditions
Aims to deepen understanding and appreciation of indigenous cultures and their unique heritage
Intercultural Communication Theory
Helps in understanding how cultural exchange dynamics work, particularly through mediums like dance and music
Highlights how these art forms facilitate the preservation and sharing of cultural heritage by bridging cultural differences and fostering understanding
Community Cultural Development Framework
Focuses on empowering communities to take ownership of and promote their cultural heritage
By utilizing dance and music within this framework, these artistic expressions become powerful tools for cultural preservation, intergenerational connection, and fostering cultural pride within the Aeta community
Research Design
Arts-based research (infuses performing arts into scholarly inquiry to advance knowledge)
Stands along constructivism theory (theory based on observation of how people learn which is through construction of knowledge based on experiences)
Research Locale and Participants
The study will be conducted in Botolan Zambales within the Aeta community of LAKAS Bihawo
Purposive sampling will be used to recruit 10-20 individuals from LAKAS Bihawo who have experience in performing native or local music and dances and are at least 18 years old
Data Gathering Procedure
1. Obtaining Permission and Building Relationships
2. Engaging in Open Dialogue
3. Recording and Transcription
4. Data Analysis and Archiving
5. Continuous Collaboration and Feedback
6. Validation of Playlist
Narrative analysis
Qualitative method used to interpret human experiences and motivations by intently examining the stories people disclose in a specific context
Thematic analysis
Qualitative approach that is usually applied to sets of text, for example; interviews
To ensure the validity of the analysis, member checking will be utilized
The researchers made use of consent forms for participants + asked permission from school to conduct study
Consent forms address cultural sensitivity, intellectual property, data privacy, anonymity, community impact
The compiled recordings will be submitted to the Cultural Affairs Office (CAO) at DLSZ to reach a broader audience and will also be distributed to schools to educate students about the culture of the LAKAS Bihawo Community
From the playlist, we will have possible music concerts