Early childhood

Cards (30)

  • Early Childhood Development
    The many skills and milestones that children are expected to reach by the time they reach the age of 5
  • Milestones in Early Childhood Development
    • Learning how to run
    • Learning how to talk using simple sentences
    • Learning how to play with others
  • Early Childhood Development
    • Occurs naturally when parents and children spend time playing, preparing dinner, or looking at books together
    • Preschools and Head Start programs provide activities based on early childhood development guidelines
    • You can find toys and books for both children and parents that promote developmental goals
  • Early Childhood is a time of remarkable physical, cognitive, social and emotional development
  • Infants enter the world with a limited range of skills and abilities
  • Watching a child develop new motor, cognitive, language, and social skills is a source of wonder for parents and caregivers
  • Physical Development in Early Childhood

    Includes body growth, skeletal growth, and asynchronies in physical growth
  • Body Growth
    • On average, 2 to 3 inches in height and about 5 pounds in weight are added each year
    • The child gradually becomes thinner; girls retain somewhat more body fat, whereas boys are slightly more muscular
    • Posture and balance improve, resulting in gains in motor coordination
    • Individual differences in body size are even more apparent during early childhood than in infancy
    • To determine if a child's atypical stature is a sign of a growth or health problem, the child's ethnic heritage must be considered
  • Skeletal Growth
    • Between ages 2 and 6, approximately 45 epiphyses, or new growth centers, harden into bone and emerge in various parts of the skeleton
    • X-rays permit doctors to estimate children's skeletal age, the best available measure of progress towards physical maturity
    • By the end of the preschool years, children start to lose their primary teeth
    • Childhood tooth decay remains high, especially among low-SES youngsters in the United States
  • Asynchronies in Physical Growth
    • Physical growth is an asynchronous process: different body systems have their own unique, carefully timed patterns of maturation
    • The general growth curve is a curve that represents overall changes in body size - rapid growth during infancy, slower gains in early and middle-childhood, and rapid growth once more during adolescence
    • Exceptions to this trend are found in the development of the reproductive and lymph systems
  • Developmental Milestones
    Abilities that most children are able to perform by a certain age
  • Developmental Milestones from Birth to 3 Months
    • Use rooting, sucking and grasping reflexes
    • Slightly raise the head when lying on the stomach
    • Hold head up for a few seconds with support
    • Clench hands into fists
    • Tug and pull on their own hands
    • Repeat body movements
  • Developmental Milestones from 3-6 Months
    • Roll over
    • Pull their bodies forward
    • Pull themselves up by grasping the edge of the crib
    • Reach for and grasp objects
    • Bring objects they are holding to their mouths
    • Shake and play with objects
  • Developmental Milestones from 6-9 Months
    • Crawl
    • Grasp and pull objects toward their own body
    • Transfer toys and objects from one hand to the other
  • Developmental Milestones from 9-12 Months
    • Sit up unaided
    • Stand without assistance
    • Walk without help
    • Pick up and throw objects
    • Roll a ball
    • Pick up objects between their thumb and one finger
  • Developmental Milestones from 1-2 Years
    • Pick things up while standing up
    • Walk backwards
    • Walk up and down stairs without assistance
    • Move and sway to music
    • Color or paint by moving the entire arm
    • Scribble with markers or crayons
    • Turn knobs and handles
  • Developmental Milestones from 2-3 Years
    • Ride a tricycle
    • Go down a slide without help
    • Throw and catch a ball
    • Pull and steer toys
    • Walk in a straight line
    • Build a tall tower with toy blocks
    • Manipulate clay into shapes
  • Developmental Milestones from 3-4 Years

    • Jump on one foot
    • Walk backwards
    • Do somersaults
    • Cut paper with safety scissors
    • Print some letters
    • Copy shapes including squares and crosses
  • Developmental Milestones from 4-5 Years
    • Jump on one foot
    • Walk backwards
    • Do somersaults
    • Cut paper with safety scissors
    • Print some letters
    • Copy shapes including squares and crosses
  • Cognitive Development in Childhood

    Includes Piaget's Theory of Preoperational Stage
  • Preoperational Stage

    • Marked by rapid growth in representational, or symbolic, mental activity
    • Language is our most flexible means of mental representation
    • Piaget believed that sensorimotor activity provided the foundation for language, just as it underlies deferred imitation and make-believe play
  • Make-Believe Play
    • Increases dramatically during early childhood
    • Piaget believed that through pretending, young children practice and strengthen newly acquired representational schemes
    • Over time, play becomes increasingly detached from the real-life conditions associated with it
    • Make-believe play gradually becomes less self-centered as children realize the agents and recipients of pretend actions can be independent of themselves
    • Play also includes increasingly more complex scheme combinations
    • Sociodramatic play is the make-believe play with peers that first appears around age 2 1/2 and increases rapidly until 4 to 5 years
    • The emergence of sociodramatic play signals an awareness that make-believe play is representational activity
  • Spatial Representation
    • Spatial understanding improves rapidly over the third year of life
    • With this representational capacity, children realize that a spatial symbol stands for a specific state of affairs in the real world
    • Insight into one type of symbol-real world relation, such as that presented by a photograph, helps preschoolers understand others, such as simple maps
    • Providing children with many opportunities to learn about the functions of diverse symbols, such as picture books, models, maps, and drawings, enhances spatial representation
  • Eliminations of Preoperational Thought
    • Piaget described preschool children in terms of what they cannot, rather than can, understand
    • Operations are mental representations of actions that obey logical rules
    • In the Preoperational stage, children's thinking is rigid, limited to one aspect of a situation at a time, and strongly influenced by the way things appear at the moment
    • Egocentric is the inability to distinguish the symbolic viewpoints of others from one's own
    • Animistic Thinking is the belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities, such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions
    • Conservation refers to the idea that certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same, even when outward appearance changes
    • Transductive Reasoning is a reasoning from one particular event to another particular event, instead of from general to particular or particular to general
    • Lack of Hierarchical Classifications is the organization of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities and differences between the groups
  • Socio-Emotional Development in Early Childhood

    Includes emotional and personality development, families, and peer relations
  • Emotional and Personality Development

    • The self, emotional development, moral development, and gender
  • The Self
    • Initiative versus guilt - children use their perceptual, motor, cognitive and language skills to make things happen, but widespread disappointment leads to an unleashing of guilt that lowers self-esteem
    • Self-understanding - the child's cognitive representation of self, based on the various roles and membership categories that define who they are
  • Emotional Development

    • Young children's emotion language and understanding - important changes include increased use of emotion language and understanding of the causes and consequences of feelings
    • Self-conscious emotions
  • Families

    • Parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, neglectful, indulgent)
    • Sibling relationships and birth order
    • The changing family in a changing society
  • Peer Relations
    • Peers provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family, and feedback on abilities
    • Good peer relations appear to be necessary for normal social development
    • Children who are rejected by peers are at risk for depression, and aggressive children are at risk for many problems