Social class factors in causing classdifferences in achievement
Pupils in education
Manual workers less likely to go to university
Factors in causing classdifferences in achievement
Working-class subculture
Parents' education
Working-class subculture
Lowvalue on education
Elaborated code
More analytic, with widevocabulary and complexsentences, used in education
Restricted code
Less analytic and moredescriptive,limitedvocabulary, formed of simplesentences or gestures
Parents' education
Parenting style
Parents' educational behaviours
Use of income
Culturaldeprivation theory blames the victims for their failure and assumes working-class children underachieve due to their own and theirparents'deficiencies
The workingclass are not culturallydeprived - they simply have a differentculture from the school, which puts them at a disadvantage
Culturaldeprivation theory ignores the impact of schoolfactors such as labelling, and the impact of material factors such as poverty
Cultural deprivation theory has led to policies such as compensatoryeducation that blame under-achievement on lack of aspiration and poorparenting