Cards (5)

  • DEDUCTIVE METHOD – starts with generalization, principle or rule that is then applied to specific cases.
  • CONCEPT TEACHING – is based on the assumption (Bruner 1984) that concept formation begins at an early stage (9- 12 months) where initial activities of object – sorting and preference serve as bases for concept learning.
  • Bruner’s Identified 3 distinct modes of learning:
    1. Learning by doing called enactive learning
    2. Learning by doing mental images called ICONIC MODE
    3. Learning through series of abstract symbols called SYMBOLIC MODE
  • DIRECT INSTRUCTION / SHOWING METHOD- a teacher – centered strategy that uses teacher explanation and modeling combined with student practice and feedback to teach concept and skills. It
    is designed to teach skills, concepts, principles and rules, with emphasis on active teaching and high levels of student involvement.
  • LECTURE – DISCUSSION METHOD- designed to help learner link new with prior learning and relate the different parts of new learning to
    each other. Designed to overcome the most important weaknesses of the lecture method by strongly emphasizing learner involvement