Cards (48)

  • Whigs
    New political party, based on hatred of Jefferson, that stood for national unity and an activist government
  • Nullification Crisis
    1832 confrontation between the federal government and the state of South Carolina over the right of a state to refuse to enforce a federal law
  • American System
    Henry Clay’s nationalistic proposal for tarifs and internal improvements
  • Monroe Doctrine
    A foreign-policy proclamation that the United States would not permit any new European colonialism in the western hemisphere
  • Missouri Compromise
    Législation that admitted one slave and one free state to the Union and established the boundary between slave and free territories
  • Era of Good Feelings
    Term applied to Monroe administrations suggesting that this period lacked major conflict
  • Worcester v. Georgia
    The Cherokee nation’s legal challenge of Andrew Jackson, and this ruling upheld the nation’s right to occupy their land
  • War Hawks
    Militantly nationalistic western Congressmen eager for hostilities with Native Americans, Canadians, and British
  • Panic of 1837
    A major financial depression brought on in part by the end of the Second Bank of the United States
  • Free-Soilers
    Northern anti-slavery politicians who opposed the expansion of slavery into the western territories
  • Corrupt Bargain
    Jacksonian term for the alleged political deal by which Clay supported Adams in exchange for a cabinet office
  • Jacksonian Democracy
    Respect for the common man, expansion of white male suffrage, appointment of political supporters to government positions, and opposition to privileged (Eastern) elites
  • Marbury v. Madison
    Ruling that established judicial review, declaring that the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of federal laws
  • Democrats
    Political party led by Andrew Jackson that supported States’ Rights and clear defenders of enslavement
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Sent by Jefferson to explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase
  • Gibbons v. Ogden
    Ruling determined that the federal government has exclusive power over interstate commerce
  • Embargo Act
    Jefferson’s policy of forbidding the shipment of any goods in or out of the United States
  • McCullock v. Maryland
    Supreme Court ruling that established the federal government’s implied powers that are necessary and proper to govern (and that Federal law is supreme to state laws)
  • Hartford Convention
    Gathering of prominent New England Federalists who considered secession
  • Log Cabin and Hard Cider
    Symbols of the first “modern” election as both political parties actively campaigned to the masses
  • Battle of Tippecanoe
    A battle between American soldiers and Native Americans
  • Trail of Tears
    The sorrowful path along which thousands of southeastern Native Americans were move to Oklahoma
  • Romanticism
    Emphasized emotion and individualism as well as glorified the past and nature, helped develop a new national culture
  • Pet Banks
    State financial institutions where Jackson deposited federal funds after removing them from the Bank of the United States
  • King Cotton
    Southern belief that England was economically dependent on southern cotton and would thus come to their aid in war
  • Nat Turner Rebellion
    Occurring in 1831, one of the largest rebellions by enslaved individuals, and as a result, rather that ending slavery, Virginia imposed additional restrictions and harsher laws against Black people
  • Lowell Girls
    New England farm girls who worked in a textile factory in Massachusetts company-supervised boarding houses
  • Burned-Over District
    The region of western New York that experienced intense religious revival meetings
  • Erie Canal
    Transportation route of 363 miles that connected the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean
  • Market Revolution
    Nineteenth-century economic transition away from self-sufficient production of goods for sale
  • Mormons
    Successful commune that manufactured stainless steel animal traps and silverware
  • Vesey Conspiracy
    South Carolina responded to this planned insurrection with harsher slave laws and further protected enslavement in the state
  • Cult of Domesticity
    Nineteenth-century belief that women occupied a specific position as caretakers of the ”private-sphere” (the home)
  • Nativism
    Fear of and opposition to immigrants
  • The North Star
    Frederick Douglass’ anti-slavery newspaper published starting in 1847 demanding an immediate, uncompensated end to enslavement
  • American “Know-Nothing” Party
    Third party founded in 1850s that was anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic
  • Lowell System
    Combined textile production into a singular space, ending the putting-out
  • Commonwealth v. Hunt
    Pioneering Massachusetts Supreme Court decision that declared labor unions legal
  • Second Great Awakening
    Religious revival that sparked a number of reform movements as well as new churches
  • Mechanical Reaper
    McCormick‘s invention that vastly increased the productivity of the American grain farmer