The mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840

Cards (11)

  • Johann Guttenberg (1450) - Developed the first movable type of printing press.
  • John Napier (1614) - Invited the LOGS (Logarithm)
  • Arabian Lattice (1614) - Lays out a special version of the multiplication table on a set of four-sided wooden rods. (Multiply, divide large numbers, and find square and cube roots.
  • Wilhelm Shickard (1623) - invited the first mechanical calculator that can work with six digits and can carry digits across columns.
  • William Oughterd (1575 - 1660) - Invited the slide rule, an analog computer that allowed users to multiply and divide.
  • Blaise Pascal (1642) - developed the Pascaline a mechanical computer that allowed users to add, subtract multiply, and divide two numbers.
  • Gottfried Leibniz (1617) - invited the stepped reckoner, a machine that was an improvement of the Pascaline and included additional components that made it easier for users to multiply and divide. Can multiply 5 digits and 12 digits numbers yielding up to 16-digit numbers.
  • Josep-Marie Jacquard (1801) - developed the automatic loom (weaving loom) that was controlled by punched cards.
  • Charles Babbage - Invited the difference engine (1821) a machine creation that could calculate numbers and print the results and an analytical engine (1832)
  • Lady Ada Augusta Lovelace Byron (1842) - The first computer programmer.
  • Charles Babbage - Father of modern computers.