The distinction between high-grade serous ovarian, fallopian tube, and peritoneum cancers is an anachronism because most high-grade serous cancers arise from the fimbriae of the fallopian tube
It represents a major surgical challenge as the aim is to resect all visible disease
Optimal therapy includes maximal attempt at surgical cytoreduction to no gross disease, or at least optimal debulking (to <1 cm of residual disease), followed byplatinum-basedcombination chemotherapy
It has the highest fatality-to-case ratio of all the gynecologic malignancies
Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer in women in the United States, accounting for 3% of all malignancies, 6% of deaths from cancer in women, and almost one-third of invasive malignancies of the female genital organs
Up to 10% of women with ovarian serous borderline tumors and extraovarian implants may have invasive implants (i.e., low-grade serous carcinoma), and these can behave more aggressively
Borderline serous tumors may harbor foci of stromal microinvasion, which is associated with lymphovascular space invasion in the primary ovarian tumor but is not associated with an aggressive clinical course
Most ovarian mucinous carcinomas contain enteric-type cells, so they cannot be distinguished from metastatic carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract on the basis of histology alone