Stages of Team Development

Cards (4)

  • Forming
    Team meet for the first time. Rely on leader for guidance and direction. Leader provide a lot of guidance and will allocate clear roles and also direct the team on the task or goal ahead. Leader will make most decisions for the group during this phase.
  • Storming
    Members adjust to their roles and position within the team. Some conflict may arise but leader will exercise strong guidance and discipline in the team. Some members may challenge the leadership of the team. Team must focus on their overall goals and roles.
  • Norming
    Team start working together to undertake tasks and/or solve problems. Arisen conflict is resolved. Team members begin to support each other in their defined roles. Group norms and procedures are created. Leader is largely accepted. Decisions made by team as a whole. Commitment is forming within the team.
  • Performing
    Team is now settled and functioning effectively. Productivity is high. Team has a shared vision and able to stand on its own feet with little participation from the leader. If disagreements occur they can be resolved within the team positively and quickly. Team is able to work towards achieving their goal. Team receives delegated tasks from leader but does not need to be assisted with these tasks.