microbio midterm

Cards (57)

  • culture medium
    a nutrient material prepared for the growth of microbes in the lab.
  • Methods of Preserving Bacterial Cultures
    Deep Freezing
  • Refrigeration
    to preserve the culture for long period of time.
  • Deep freezing
    temperature quickly lowered to -50C to -95C.
  • Lyophilization
    microbes are quickly frozen while the water content is removed at the same time.
  • Certain trace elements ex.
    zinc, copper, iron, sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium.
  • Broth
    media can be used in a liquid form.
  • Slant
    if the agar in a test tube is solidified while the tube is tilted.
  • Agar deep
    if the tube is left vertical while the agar sets.
  • Liquid media
    these are available for use in test-tubes, bottles or flasks.
  • Semi-solid agar
    reducing the amount of agar to 0.2-0.5% renders a medium semi-solid.
  • Solid media
    any liquid form can be rendered by the addition of certain solidifying agents.
  • Classification of Media
  • Simple medium
    peptone water, nutrient agar can support most non-fastidious bacteria.
  • Complex medium
    which the exact chemical constitution of the medium is not known of have ingredients whose exact components are difficult to estimate.
  • Synthetic medium
    which teh exact chemical composition is known and specially prepared for research purposes.
  • Binary fission
    chromosomes of the bacteria replicates after which the cells divides.
  • Conjugation
    how the bacteria exchanges genetic information.
  • Main Groups of Bacteria
    spiral forms
  • cocci
    look like little berries under microscope.
  • Bacilli
    shaped like rods or cylinders.
  • Spiral forms
    curved rods or spirals.
  • 3 Spiral Forms
  • Smear
    usually begins by spreading a thin film of the specimen over a slide.
  • Staining
    a process where bacteria cells are so small that they must be colored with some dyes to be studied more closely.
  • Differential staining
    more complex staining method.
  • Gram-staining method
    this is the most important staining technique in microbiology.
  • Dr. Christian Gram
    gram staing was developed in 1884 by.
  • gram-positive
    bacteria from which the blue color of the stain-iodine-bacterial cell complex cannot be removed.
  • gram-negative
    those from which it can be removed and which are stained with the counterstain.
  • acidic dye
    not attracted to the bacteria and color the background, leaving the bacteria unstained.
  • basic dye
    attracted to the outside of the bacterial cells, which are usually slightly negative in charged.
  • albert's stain
    using toluidine blue and malachite green.
  • neisser's stain
    using methylene blue.
  • binary fission
    the bacterial cells doubles in size and replicates its chromosomes.
  • budding
    few bacteria and some eukaryotes may also replicates.
  • lag phase
    the number of cells doesnt increase.
  • log phase
    cell numbers increase exponentially.
  • stationary phase
    the number of cells doesnt increase but changes im cells occur.
  • death phase
    cells begin to die out.